Chapter 6

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Jungkook POV:

It was him. sat right across from me. Yoongi was his name. we have been talking for hours. He had bought me another strawberry milkshake and himself another coffee. I got a text from someone but ignored it listening to what Yoongi was saying. Before I could react, he grabbed my phone and looked at the message.

"Hey, give it back Yoongi-Hyung." I whined to him hoping he would give it back.

"Your mom wants to know when youre coming home or if youre going to stay at a friends house." He said bluntly while still holding my phone. I tried to grab it, but he held my phone in the air where I couldn't reach.

"Hyung." I whined again getting up to try and get it. Once it was in my hand I checked it and replied with an 'I'll be home soon'. It was getting late and I knew my eomma would kill me if I got home too late.

"I should go now. My eomma's getting worried." I told him.

"I'll walk you home. It's getting dark." He offered. Or more like demanded.

"Oh. No, its fine Hyung. My house isn't that far."

"I insist." He said. I couldn't exactly stop him. without another word I took my drink and we both walked out of the café.

The cold air hit me like a brick wall. I hadn't brought a coat since I wasn't planning on staying this late and it was also warm out when I got to the café. I was shivering. Freezing my arse off was an understatement. Suddenly, I was engulfed in warmth. Looking at my body I noticed a coat had been placed over my shoulders. I looked at Yoongi and he was no longer wearing his coat. He had put it on me.

"your welcome." He said bluntly.

"U-um thank you Hyung. But, what about you?" I asked him since we were both human. He would also get cold.

"Don't worry about me. I don't feel the cold that badly unlike you obviously." Even though he said that I was still a bit concerned. Soon enough we were on our way.

We got to my house soon enough and we were now standing at my front door.

"So...thanks for taking me home."

Its okay. It was kind of nice to have the company for a while.

Do you want your Coat back? I mentally slapped myself. What a stupid question.

No. keep it. Its nice to know its in safe hands. I was a bit surprised at his answer.

Maybe we could meet up again.

Sure. Can I have your number, so I know when and where. Its not like we can live life and just hope we bump into each other.

Sure. I gave him my number and we said our goodbyes and he was off.

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