Chapter 10: Finally Free

Start from the beginning

On the left wall are multiple screens that show the footage from my security cameras, so I can keep a close eye on everything. There is a lounging chair placed in front of them, where I tend to sit to watch or rest. Finally, on the right there is a counter with some inventions and weapons I have been working on. Along with those, there is a science area set up for my experiments that I sometimes do.

"You work over there," I say as I point to the area. Donald nods and places himself on one of the two bar stools set up in front of it. "You can also keep an eye on Bree and Chase from there. I have one of my security cameras set up in there." I point to a specific one on the far bottom right. "Here, I'll put it on the big screen."

I forgot to mention that I have a large screen in the middle of all the security footage, where I can watch TV or a specific camera.

I rush over to the cyber desk, and type in a few things. Instantly, the footage of Bree and Chase is shown on the big screen, and nothing seems to have changed. Donald doesn't move, he just keeps examining the needle.

"I'll just leave you, so, yeah." I awkwardly walk away.

"Thank you," I come to a haunt as Donald says that.

"Um, you're welcome?" I say unsurely as a small smile creeps on my face.

"Don't think that I forgive you, though." The smile fades, but is still there the slightest bit.

I sigh, and say, "I know." Without another word, I head into the elevator, and leave him to his work.


Adam's POV:

A bright light wakes me up, and my eyes take a minute to adjust to the light. When they do, I am met by the smiling face of Leo holding a flashlight in my face. I bolt straight up, and rush over to hug him, but I run straight into the cage. Leo winces as I hit face, but I don't feel any pain.

"Leo! How did you get here?" He is about to answer, but I stop him. "No, wait, don't answer that yet. Can you get me out of here?" He smiles and jiggles some keys in front of my face. A smile instantly grows on my face.

"How did you get those?" I ask excitedly. I am practically jumping, I can't wait to get out of here.

"It wasn't as hard as you may think," he starts. "Would you believe that Douglas was dumb enough to leave them on a table inside the hospital room?" His smile suddenly darkens. "I saw Bree and Chase, Adam, they don't look so good." Realization suddenly hits me, and my smile disappears.

"Are they okay? Wait, what happened to Chase? He seemed fine to me last time I saw him, besides the fact that he lost his memories. Otherwise he looked fine, what happened?" Leo shakes his head.

"I have no idea, sorry. I was searching for Douglas when I came across the room. The door was closed, but a beeping coming from inside craved my curiosity. So I went in, and was shocked by the sight. Bree was so pale, and was hooked up to a heart monitor, which is where the beeping was coming from. But Chase, poor, poor, Chase, I didn't know what to think when I saw him."

"What do you mean?"

"His whole body was blue! I had rushed forward, and touched his skin. It was freezing! He wasn't even shivering, which worried me. That's when I had noticed the keys on the table next to Bree. Not wanting to get caught, I had grabbed the keys and rushed out of there, not looking back." My eyes weld up with tears.

"I'm so, so sorry Adam. Here, let me get you out." Leo fingers through the various keys, trying a multiple of them on the lock. I start to get annoyed after the eleventh one.

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