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The days are getting shorter and the weather is attacking living beings with its mood swings.


It's about that time of the year.

I quickly shove on my jacket and sneak out the door. It's three in the morning so waking my mother up will be suicide. The weather was a little chilly and the streets are quiet with the occasional one or two cars. I jog across the street with my hands tucked in my hoody jacket, checking for cars.

"Is that my hoody?" The figure sitting on the park bench speaks. I jog over to the figure already aware of who it it. Before he could utter another word I jump on his lap and press my lips against his. He responds immediately, tucking a hand under my knee and another behind my back.

I pull away, pulling his hood off of his head. "Yeah. Does it look nice on me?" I make a series of selfie poses on his lap. He lets out a light chuckle."You look good in everything."

"Ok on a serious note," I pause giving him a look. "That thing we did last Saturday... I got caught. And now I'm moving in with my aunt mika."

"Ahh the bitchy one with the mustache?" I nod my head.

"So..did they know I was there too?"

"Umm no I didn't say anything." He gives me a broad smile. "Good. It all going to be ok babe." He plants a kiss on my cheek.

"I'll come and see you every other week. Or at least I'll try." I give a broad smile and check the time on my phone. "Shit! It's almost 4 and my mom wakes up at 5 I got to go." I said not intending to leave at all.

He gives me a face and opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off by pressing my mouth against his. I try to take control at first like always but he takes over quickly, biting my lip and gripping my hips.

This is Asher. We met in the beginning of freshman year and have been dating since the start of junior year. Ever since he has been this light in my life o can't explain to anyone, not even summer understands. He's definitely not the best person but he's still a person.

He grabs my ass and deepens the kiss.

Neither my mom or summer like him. They think I'll end up in jail being with him. I hate the fact that they don't trust me enough to make my own decisions, even though they are equally as bad as Asher's.

"Ok I really have to go now." I say through the kiss. "Fine." He releases me and I give him one last kiss before heading home.


"Your cousin is at the door! GO OPEN IT!!" My mom calls from downstairs and I rush down with my suitcase. You know, I'm kind of excited...minus the whole aunt part I mean, this could be a great opportunity to work on myself.

I have to admit, my grades have been dropping and I'm in trouble every other day. I do have to grow up. I'm planning to graduate this year and the only way to do that is if I'm focused and at least trying to break it of my terrible habits.

Like stealing.

And spray painting things that aren't supposed to be spray painted.

And to stop being "disrespectful" to people.

And breaking into places I'm not supposed to.

Maybe even stop with the drinking and smoking weed.


I swing the door open and am met with a face that made me want to spring out my adidas.


He's tall and looks nothing like me, with his cream brown hair and big brown doe eyes. He looks just like what he looked like as a kid. I pull him into a big hug. "Awww lyric, I haven't seen you since we were like, what, six?"

Andre is the direct opposite of me, at least he was when we were kids. He was always too scared to break the rules and I was always dragging him into trouble. No regrets. "I know right?! And you look exactly the same."

I could hear my moms footsteps behind me. I turn her and she has a big smile plastered on her face. "Andre!!! Oh my god, you've grown so much!!" She pulls him out of my arms and into hers. He lets out a little grunt as she pitches his cheeks. "And it seems like you've gotten younger Aunty." Still the little gentleman I see.

Kiss ass.

She pulls away giving him a chuckle. "Your aunt is doing a good job raising you I see."

"Yeah. Well, don't want to be late for the train."

"Oh right I don't want to hold you two." She pulled me into a tight squeeze.

"Call me everyday and if you keep the act up I will personally come and pick you up just to drop you off at the military." I hug back laughing. "Oh I'm not joking." She says pulling away and giving me a serious face.


"OKBYEMOM." I say rushing out the door, dragging Andre along with me. We get into the presumably rental car.

"So How has life been? Are you still a pussy?" I laugh sitting back in my seat. He buckles his seatbelt then turns and stares at me. "I was never a pussy lyric. Just a cautious kid,"

"but tha-"

"ALSO I'm going to need you to put your seatbelt on before we start driving."

"So I'm going to take that as a yes." I roll my eyes putting my seatbelt on. He started driving slower than a grandma. "So that means that you're still rebel lyric, huh?" He asks never taking his eyes off the road. "Why do you think I'm going to live with you? Oh yeah. How's your mom?"

Yup that's right. This nice young man is the spawn of a demon. That's why he's so up tight, her strict rules and harsh punishments formed a pair of boxers that are stuck up his ass.

"She's gone crazy." I nod understanding. She would become stricter over there years. I cross my fingers hoping she doesn't call me a whore as soon as I step foot in her house. "So am I going to your school?"

"Yup you're already enrolled and everything." He stops the car and I realize we are already at the train station.

Thank god. The way he was driving it felt like it would take a few days to get here.

I jump out stretching my legs. "You go return the car I have to go to the bathroom." I yell to Andre. Before he can answer I skip into the  bathroom and take a look in the mirror.

Black curls with silver dyed on the ends, that I dyed last week by myself, frames my face perfectly as it falls just a little past my shoulders. Plump pink lips, big greenish brown eyes. I play with my hair a little checking my appearance.


Aunt Mika is going to shit herself about my whole look.

I look down at my loose half shirt, that hung off of one of my shoulders and holey jeans that hug my thighs and some gold and white adidas. 

"Ok I'm ready." I said walking out of the bathroom. "Just in time too." He said as the bullet train comes to a stop and we board it.

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