Chapter 6: Kristopher

Start from the beginning

"How are you feeling?" I asked, in a low voice.

Audrey answered with a melancholic wail. I gave her five minutes to calm down. The initial realization was always the hardest.

"You lost a lot of blood, but you're going to live."

Tears sprung in her eyes again as she tried curling onto her side, but instead cried out in pain. I helped her settled back onto her back, and propped up an extra pillow for added back support.

"He sliced you pretty good, so you probably shouldn't move too much. Do you remember what happened?" I asked, removing a notepad and pen from my jacket.

"Where's Adrian?" she replied quietly.

"At home. Do you remember what happened?" I repeated.

"Why isn't he here?" Her tone had hints of hurt and dejection.

"Because he's married, so do you remember what happened?"

"Damn it Kris, can you stop being a cop for like two seconds!" she snapped, mustering a glare.

I launched it right back, letting out a sigh.

"Audrey, it's important that we get any information that you may recall." I told her in a softer, but stern tone.

"Does Adrian know I'm here?" she asked.

I swear this girl.

"Yes, he's worried and wants to make sure you're alright. Now Audrey, do you remember anything?"

"I don't know!" she croaked.

"Audrey, this is important."

Tears began to leak out of the corner of her eyes, and I realized that I was being incredibly insensitive. I pulled up a chair and took her hand in mine. She whimpered with her upper lip quivering. I was careful around her stubs, trying to earn her attention.

"I'm sorry. I know this is hard." I said.

"He took my fingers." she whispered. "I can't work without my fingers." 

Her eyes met mine. They were red as beets, tears welling over her corneas. I nodded, running a soothing thumb over the top of her hand.

"How did you meet him?"

"At a bar. I was drunk." I had to strain to hear, as her vocal cords must have been giving her pain.

I released her hand to begin taking notes.

"He was really young. I'd been drinking for a while. I must have blacked out some. He was young and a little awkward." she said. "I don't remember how I got to where I was."

I nodded encouragingly, scribbling away.

Audrey reached for the rings around her neck. Her hands were trembling again, and I could sense another breakdown.

"Uh, he climbed on top of me and-" her voice cracked.

She squeezed her eyes shut, releasing the sob she'd been trying too hard to keep down.

"Go back to sleep, we'll continue this when you're feeling better." I told her, standing up.

"No!" she practically screamed. "Please don't leave me alone. What if he tries to find me? Kris please, don't leave."

I pried my hand from her vice-like grip.

"I'll be right here." I promised, tucking her hand under the covers.

She watched me slump down in the chair and unclip my tie.

Audrey fell asleep within minutes and remained quiet for the rest of the morning. I rested my head on my curled-up fist, trying to stay awake. It was rough sleeping in a chair, especially for a woman I wasn't going to drain.

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