OC & Forms

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Name: "Who is asking?" Mackenzie Lynn Singer

Age: "F*ck off!" 25

Gender: "Want to check?" Female

Appearance: "Are you blind or something? I'm right in front of you!" Curly blonde hair up to her shoulders, light blue eyes, wears blue ripped jeans along with a flannel

Appearance: "Are you blind or something? I'm right in front of you!" Curly blonde hair up to her shoulders, light blue eyes, wears blue ripped jeans along with a flannel

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Personality: "You Really are an idjiot" Cocky, hardheaded, kind, openminded, sassy, protective, rebellious, rude, protect of friends and family

Family: "None Of your business" Bobby singer. Mom is deceased

Crush: "N-NO ONE!" Dean Winchester or Castiel (Depends on your crush)

Hunter or Normal: "Check the trunk" Hunter

Enemies: "Who is asking?" Demons, Crowley, sometimes other hunters

Companion: "His name is A**kicker" German Shepard

Companion: "His name is A**kicker" German Shepard

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Backstory: "I-I don't want to talk about it" Mackenzie grew up in a happy family and happy home till the night her mother got possessed and soon killed by her father. When Bobby started to hunt he would bring Mackenzie along and soon she grew into the life of hunting. She would leave on jobs as well as help her dad give jobs to other hunters. She knew the Winchester since she was a kid and always helped when ever they needed it

Species: "You can test me. But Holy water, silver won't work" Human

Other: "This is my babe" Has a 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 as a car

Other: "This is my babe" Has a 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 as a car

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Hunter or Normal:
I don't own Supernatural the Warner Bro's do And I don't own any characters only my OC and I please ask don't report this book.

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