jeff gets payback?

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(Jeffs pov)

Im kinda sick of BEN and y/n getting away with pranking me. Its about time I returned the favor. How do I oit prank the prank master though.....hmmmmmmm.....Ill need to find something embarasing about them. I know BEN is afraid of water but what about y/n? I guess I could search her house but to do so she has to not be there.

Ill need a distraction........hmmmmm.....I could have trenderman distract her, that would keep her busy for hours.

I walked to slenders mansion and asked him to call his brother for me. In the time it WOULD have taken me to blink he was in the room. I asked him to ask y/n to model for him and he was overjoyed to have a model. He followed me to y/ns house and I introduced the two. 

After y/n left with him I started snooping. After about 3 hours of searching I found something I could use. I called ben and aksed if I could throw a sleepover at his house and he had no problem with it. When y/n finaly came home I invited her to a sleep over at BENs. She said yes and now I need to do the final touches of my plan.

(Time skip to dah sleepover)

Finaly it was all set. I had been in charge of snacks and they will never notice I drugged them. After the drugs kicked in and they fell asleep I got to work. First I dressed ben up in a pink tutu dress thing, pink tights, heels and I put flowers in his hair. For y/n i put the teletubies shirt I was holding over her tanktop and then I added her teletubies hat. Lastly I sliped her teletubies slippers on as well. I had found them way back in her closet in an old box.

I bound their hands and feet so they couldnt remove the clothing before I get pictures

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I bound their hands and feet so they couldnt remove the clothing before I get pictures. I grabbed my bucket of water and dumped it right on Ben. He screamed wich woke y/n up as well. Bith of them looked down and freaked out. Ben was all like why jeff why but y/n.....she...looked ready to kill me. She started freaking out but the looked she gave me cause me to just run. I literaly was running for my life.

(Bens pov)

It looks like jeff got us back for our pranks. Im worried about y/n shes hiperventilating! I jumped into her phone to escape the ropes and jumped back out to untie her. As soon as I did she literaly riped the shirt off of herself and threw everything into the fireplace. She then ran off to the kitchen and got matches. She then lit the fireplace burning the clothing to ashes. Okay I know teletubies are creepy but something is definalty wrong.

Once she calmed down enough to ask about is she told me some kid at school when she was younger had traumatized her with those characters. The reason she had those clothes was because they had bought them for her and they wouldnt let her throw them away. She had managed to hide them in that box and forget all about them till now.

Jeff is so screwed now. He messed with both of our traumatized minds and he is going to feel our full the next chapter....



Annie- *sigh* see yah readers!

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