[2 - Tweek Tweak]

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I looked down as I walked in the hall, trying to avoid people as much as possible. People here are fucking nuts! It's insane what some of these kids can get away with here.

When I got into the Cafeteria I made my way into the Line and fiddled with the notebooks in my hands. I doodled in them a bit during class. A lot of it was boring, a lot of just notes that were overall pointless. I jumped again when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to see Butters smiling," Hey ya there, pal!" He beamed as he stood next to me," How's you're first day going?"

" I-It could be be-better." I sighed," I-I don't think ma-many k-kids Like me."

" Sure they do!" Butters smiled, patting my back," Besides, if they don't like you, then they don't deserve to be your friend! Cause what's the point of being friends with someone who doesn't like you?"

I smiled slightly," I-I guess you're right..." We quickly went through the line and I walked with Butters to the tables. I paused looking for somewhere to sit but looked up when someone called my name. It was Clyde.

" Tweek! Dude! Come sit with us!" He waved me over.

" B-But um... Butters, do y-you mind?"

"Oh, no!" He smiled," You can sit with them, I have You next class anyway! I'll see you later." He quickly walked away and sat next to a kid in an Orange Parka. I looked back at Clyde and Token was next to him, and Craig had a seat open next to him. I hesitantly sat down and looked at them.

" Th-Thanks for le-letting me sit here." I sipped from my Thermos again, looking at Clyde.

" It's no prob, dude!  You looked hella lost." Clyde chuckled," And Besides, it was Craig's Idea."

" It was not." He huffed softly. I smiled and scratched my cheek.

" W-Well, still... th-thanks..." I slowly started eating and we all fell into silence. Almost naturally, Clyde broke the silence.

" Soooo.... where are ya from, Tweek?"

I froze slightly and nearly chocked on my food. Shit.

I frowned, swallowed, and rubbed my neck," Hng... I'd r-rather n-Not talk ab-about it. I-It wasn't a grea-great place."

" Oh, sorry then." He gave Token a look like he was pleading for help.

Token coughed, grabbing my attention," So, how do you like it here?"

" I-I don't know... HnG..." I paused as my eyes glanced at Craig," B-But I guess I-It's not all ba-bad..."

Clyde smiled," Great! Has someone showed you around at all? Like around town?"

" N-Not really." I shook my head. I was only driven around the places I needed to know. The school, the Coffee shop, and home.

" Craig can take you then!"

" Huh?" Craig looked up," Why me??"

" Cause you don't get out, dick boy." Clyde then Chuckled," Besides, it could be great for you guys!"

" Ah... m-maybe." I mumbled and my hands fiddled with my Thermos as I finished my Lunch.

Clyde smiled," Great!"


I sat down in my last class of the day, I frowned as I doodled in my notebook. I didn't like this class already. Ugh. My eyes snapped up when suddenly I could hear what was going on now.

" Since this is a music class, you'll have to at least try your shot at singing, or choir. Then next month we'll try band. And finally, orchestra. As I've explained this class is just a class to help transition you into one of those three electives for Credits. Blah blah blah you know this bullshit anyway. I have a list of partners for this project. Kyle, come up and hand out these explanation papers." The teacher said, and handed the boy a stack of papers," These are to remind you what the hell this project is, cause I'm not gonna do it twenty seven thousand times for you dumbasses." She walked to the center of the chalkboard and looked at a list in her hand.

I bit my lip. Choir?? Seriously?! I can't do choir! What if I accidentally use a spell?! What if I accidentally hurt someone?! I'll be found out! I'll—

My mind was cut off by her voice.

"You and your partner will have to do an acapella of sorts. Anything you want, just get it done and present it." She sighed and pushed up her glasses, looking down at the paper in her hand," So, The Pairings Are.... Butters and Kenny, Stan and Kyle, Bebe and Wendy, Token and Clyde..." my mind wandered off as she continued. God, I'm so fucking nervous. Butters got taken already, so who the hell am I going to end up with?!

Then, I heard it.

" Craig, you're with Tweek." She then put the paper on her desk," You have the Remainder Of class to talk with your partner, even though I know you won't talk about this project at all, you can move around to your Partners. Get to it." She sat back down.

I sulked in my seat before slamming my head on my desk, yelling into the wood," Too much Pressureeee!" In a soft wail of discomfort. Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!! Why a human? Why him of all people? Why the cute guy??

Wait, cute guy?

My head sprang up when I heard someone sit next to me. It was Craig. He looked at me," So, can you sing at all?"

" U-Um... No... HnG - Not rea-really." I lied through my teeth, but he seemed to believe me. In reality, I wasn't bad at singing. I was pretty good. All sirens are. It's just I don't sing because Well... I don't want an accident to happen.

" Ah, Me either." He sat back in the chair and crossed his legs, and put his arm behind the back of the chair. He faced me and I could feel some Pink rise in my cheeks as he looked me in the eye.

" O-Oh? Yo-You look like you cou-could." I scratched my cheek.

" Eh." He Shrugged And Looked at my notebook," What's that?" I paused from the sudden interest in his voice. My eyes widened as I suddenly closed it and laughed nervously.

" N-Nothing! Just some uh... D-Doodles!!"

" Ah." Craig Nodded," So, I guess now we have a reason to do shit after school?"

" I gue-guess...."

Craig paused before looking at me," Want to come over to my house after school?"

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