[1 - Tweek Tweak]

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Hi, My name is Tweek Tweak. I know, great name, yeah? Yeah, My parents aren't the most creative...

Anyway, recently I've moved to this really weird crappy place. South Park. I swear, this place is... something else. While in the car on the way here, I saw some... Well to put it simply, fucked up shit. Kids running in the street, these bulky kids hitting some poor younger student for something in his bag, and I think I saw some rednecks ride down the street in their truck at top speed yelling "They took our jobs!!!" Or something like that and nearly hit some people.

I don't know, I can tell already this place is a mess. Not Like I'm any better, I can't even properly Button my shirt. Regardless, this place has some fucked up shit already from what I know.

" Tweek!"

" GAH!" I yelled and twitched as I looked over to see my mom, who let out a soft laugh," Wh-Wha-at is I-It?"

" You have to get ready! You go to school today. I left your thermos on the kitchen counter with your Bookbag." She walked to me and huffed, running her fingers through my hair as I squirmed," Honestly, one of these days you need to let me brush your hair! It's getting tangled."

I whined," C-Can I just g-go?"

" Fine, Fine. But I'm brushing your hair tonight, Okay? Good. Bye now, sweetie! Your father and I will be at the new shop!" She quickly left, leaving me twitching and alone in my room. I forgot the whole reason why we Came here in the first place was because of that stupid coffee shop.

I let out a soft sigh before getting up and struggling to put on clothes. Great, this is going to be just wonderful. I just want this stupid year done with already, and I haven't even started it yet.


I took a sip of my thermos as I looked around, walking to the bus stop my parents showed me yesterday, my hand shaking from this bitter cold. I squirmed uncomfortably in the large jacket I was wearing, not liking the material. It was one of those coats that were nice and soft on the inside, but the outside was that weird coarse and dense material that gave limited access to movement. I paused and looked up when I saw three kids at the stop.

One was wearing a casual purple long sleeve with a yellow 'T' on the front and had black hair that rested on his head nicely. It bewildered me how he wasn't even the slightest bit showing a concern for the damning cold. Another was wearing a red jacket with gray-blue accents on the sleeves and collar. His brown mop of hair slowly slicked in his face, making him push it back constantly as he talked and talked. However, it was The third kid was the one to make me stop.

He was taller than the other two, even just by a little from the other two, he would just tower over me. He wore a blue jacket and a matching blue Chullo hat with a yellow pompom accented on the top. I could barely see some black hair Peek from under his hat as his seemingly cold green eyes met mine. It froze me in my tracks, and I could feel my face get red. I snapped out my daze as I hesitantly found the courage to walk over, my teeth chattering from the cold and my twitches mixing to make some Hell twitch.

The one in the red looked at me, showing concern," Hey, dude, you okay? You look like a popsicle."

"HnG I-I feEl Like o-one." I muttered as I took another sip from the thermos.

"Hey, I haven't seen you anywhere, you New here?" The one in the purple asked and I nodded, looking at them," Cool, I'm Token, the chatty bitch over there is Clyde, and Emotionless stone here is Craig."

Craig waved at me slightly as Clyde gave me a 'dashing' smile with a chirpy hello. I nodded back in greeting," I-I'm hNg... T-Tweek Twea-eak. N-Nice to - GaH- M-Met you gu-guys."

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