"Sorry guy's, he didn't tell me anything about what his brother is planning that we didn't already know. I just hope he took my advice and left" this time I was the one with the hopeful glint in my eyes.

"That's okay, we know more about them than we did a couple of day's ago thanks to you and Ariel" he smiled.

"Am I going to school with you two today" I asked changing the subject. I didn't want to go into any details of Dillon' s private thoughts or memories. They don't need to know any of it other than he isn't a major threat. They didn't act an eyelid when I changed the subject, they either knew not to push it or they are genuinely not worried about Dillon being a threat either.

Grabbing my bag, I said " goodbye" to my grandparents and followed Callum and Kieran towards a spotless white Audi A4, now that is a car I can admire the beauty of. I'm not into cars but I have seen these one's before a long time ago and they have only gotten more beautiful with each new model. Sliding into the back seat, I can't help but admire the smooth leather seats under me and the spotless interior.

Pulling into the car park all eyes turned to look at us as we drove in. I expected everyone to return to whatever they were doing before we drove into the car park but that wasn't the case here. Their eyes stayed focused on the car as they started to chat once again never taking their eyes off us. This has to has to be one of the creepiest moment's I have ever had and trust me, living in hell you tend to have plenty of creepy moment's.

"Are they like this all the time?" I asked curiously.

"Yep, weird isn't it" Callum half laugh but looked at little weirded out himself.

"Weird isn't enough to describe this, it's like something out of a horror film before they come to take a bite" I answered as I looked around at the watchful eyes that never left our direction.

"Great, the pure bloods are waiting for us" Callum sighed seeming genuinely annoyed.

"Be careful Kara, by the looks of them they aren't here to make you their new BFF " Kieran sighed.

"I told you already, I am more than capable of looking after myself, the sooner you realise that, the better" I said, shaking my head at them.

Here goes nothing I thought. Opening the car door, I stepped out and stretched my legs. Kieran and Callum followed suit. Making eye contact with the pure bloods, I held my head up and started walking towards the schools door which just so happens to be where their walking from. I knew by the look in their eyes and the smirks on their faces that there planning something. Steeling my body for a fight, I kept walking, not caring if it's directly in their path but I have a feeling even if I did move to go around them they would somehow find their way over to my path. Their going to try a power move and in doing so, they probably think I will crumble instead of fight against them. They need to get over the idea that because their pure bloods their something special, there isn't anything wrong with a mix of blood like mine, at the end of the day, that's the reason why I'm stronger.

They separated, two moving to either side of me and one directly in front of me, still walking towards me with an evil smirk which I mirrored back at her. If she thinks I'm going to back down she has another thing coming, it's not in my blood.

She side stepped just at the last second but made sure her shoulder slammed into me. I don't know what more funnier, her shocked expression that the contact didn't budge me or the fact she thought it would. I smirked and she actually growled at me and hissed "Half Breed".

"Wow is that the best you could come up with, I'm actually embarrassed for you" I smirked just to piss her off more.

She didn't say anything, she just started to shake, her inner bitch wants out. Within seconds, a medium size chocolate brown wolf ripped out. Normally I might have admired her wolf's colour but this bitch doesn't deserve it.

She started pacing, looking for her opening to attack. I can see her body tense, ready to make her move. I prepared myself, making sure I'm ready for her. Then she lunged at me, I can't say she is clumsy or untrained because she isn't, she just isn't as trained as I am. I made my move, moving quicker than she anticipated, she wasn't prepared for me. Driving my fist upwards into her mussel, hard enough to hear her bones break under the force. She landed awkwardly or should I say slumped in a heap on the ground.

Her two friends stood there completely shocked as they looked at their friend lying on the ground. It took a good five minutes before they moved to check on her at that stage she had already shifted back to her human dorm.

"Damn, remind me not to piss you off" Callum said smiling.

"You're the first person to beat her, she is one of our best fighters" Kieran said shocked.

"Yeah well, this half Breed has year's on her when it comes to training" I told them.

Behind me, I could hear movement, so I turned to face her. Her healing has already started to kick in, her broken bones have already knitted together but that bruise won't heal over night. She slowly got to her feet with the help of her friend's. I expected her to walk away or curse me out of it. But she shocked me when she started to walk towards me. She is hardly going to try fight again after the punch knocked her on her ass. Stopping a few inches in front of me, she held her hand out towards me. I looked at her hand,  then at her with a raised eyebrow. This I definitely wasn't expecting. Looking at Callum and Kieran for them to give me some idea of what's going on, proved useless as they completely in shock, their mouths could catch flies. Turning back to her, I did the only thing I could do. I put my hand in hers expecting some sort of retaliation, she once again surprised me by shaking my hand.

"Don't look so shocked, I know I'm a bitch, but I have to respect a fighter like you. That was impressive, painful but impressive" She smiled genuinely.

"It's hard not too when you have done a complete three sixty" I answered still keeping my eye on her incase she tries to pull something but she didn't.

"I'm protective of the pack, I'm always weary of new comers. You have to earn my respect yourself, you're grandmother is a legend but that doesn't automatically make me trust you or respect you. What you did just there, now that's worthy of respect" She smiled.

"Okay, so I will take it that you won't be trying to fight me every time you see me" I asked curious of what happens next.

"No I won't, who know s we could actually end up being friends" She said.

"Stranger things have happened" I said.

With one last smile, she walked past me and joined her friends who were no longer staring daggers at me. Turning to look at Kieran and Callum, I found them smiling.

"You knew she would try something like that" I said staring them down.

"Yeah we had to let you think they were bitches. She is an alpha female, she is always going to protect pack members, but you have passed with flying colours. I think you two will actually get along" Kieran smiled.

Shaking my head at them for not telling me the truth and for myself for not reading her thought's, I turned back and walked towards the school's door. That I didn't expect at all. I really have a lot to learn about living here.

Leaving Hell (Book 3 in the Dark Angel series)Where stories live. Discover now