Big dreams, small steps

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Jungkook felt very groggy.

It had been another two days, yet he was still enclosed in his own stubborn mess. However... He and Taehyung had found something close to a job for Jungkook to do. And today was the day he was supposed to have an interview to see if he could actually get the job.

So, he was actually very very nervous right now. Jungkook had been spacing out all day. Even when Taehyung had randomly brought in a suit that looked well over his budget line for him to wear, Jungkook didn't seem as phased about it as he would've been if he had not felt so nervous.

What was the job, you might be asking? He was going to be a librarian. It really wasn't anything much, but Taehyung insist he take the job because it would start off slow yet sustaining for Kookie. The older boy didn't think it would suit him because of the awful things he told himself. He only told Taehyung he'd do it because he didn't want to let Taehyung down... or so he told himself.

At the moment, the boy was sitting down in the foyer. His palms sweated for some stupid reason and he felt so full of fear. Jungkook shouldn't feel this way over a damn librarian job!

"You'll be okay."

Jungkook nodded.

"Hey, Jungkook. Listen to me."

Jungkook nodded.


Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung sighed, grabbing his hand. He pulled him out of the seat. "Jungkookie, come with me."

Jungkook quietly followed in fright. Was Taehyung going to ditch him? Was he going to finally realize how worthless he was? Was he going to yell at him for being stupid?

As soon as they entered the room, Taehyung slammed Jungkook's back against the door. His hands gripped the older's wrists so they were glued to the side of his head, leaving his body feeling exposed and vulnerable.

That was when he finally noticed what was going on.

"Everything will be okay." The boy leaned in, softly pressing his lips against the dark haired boy's. Jungkook tensed and froze underneath it, staring down at the alluring boy kissing him. While pushing away just ever so slightly did he speak again, "You will do great. You are great."

His beautiful eyes glimmered under his bangs, staring directly in the older. He felt his heart flutter and his cheeks flush; he wasn't sure if he should trust in those words... But at the same time he really wanted to.

"B-But what if I f-fail? What if they don't let me in?" His worries got the best of him and he finally voiced them out in a very hushed tone.

The younger's grip on Jungkook's wrists softened. Instead, he started to intertwine their fingers together as he pressed his own chest onto Kookie's. With a little smile that was full of faith, Jungkook was already trapped in his trance. "You will still make me proud."

It stayed like that for a couple of minutes. Just a hushed communication between the two. Taehyung made absolutely sure Jungkook would be able to give it his best; being said, that meant that he wanted Jungkook to be able to give it his all, even if it didn't turn out to be the greatest. He will always encourage him to do his best.

"Want to go out now?" Taehyung finally spoke up. He had given the boy enough time alone with him before the interview; going in with a still worried mind wasn't the best at all. Jungkook nodded, but still kept his hand wrapped around Tae's. The younger boy didn't mind, though.

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