My Everything [Freddy x Golden Freddy fnafic] part 14

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My Everything part 14

It's been a few weeks since Bailey was born. It made the place so much happier. Her adorable smile and laughing everyday. Me and her was on the stage playing with a couple little toys. I had a little plushy behind me to give her. Freddy came over and leaned on the stage. She looked at him and giggled. He smiled. She crawled over to him and he kissed her nose. She put her hands on his face and laid her head on his. He chuckled and picked her up. He brought her back to me and set her down. He looked at me and crawled to me and got on my lap. I put her on the stage an grabbed the plushy from behind me. I shook it a tiny bit in front of her. She reached out to grab it and I gave it to her. She hugged it tightly. It was a plushy of freddy obviously since there's no more of me or any other colors bears. She was literally about the same size as the plushy. A little longer though. She was so cute. I noticed Bonnie came over. "She sure is adorable." He said. "she really is." Chica said behind him. I smiled and looked at her. She crawled over to my lap and laid on me. I grabbed her blanket and covered her up. She fell asleep pretty quick. I wrapped her up in the blanket and held her on my chest. I looked at Freddy and he just had a calm look in his eyes. He was just staring at her. I looked over when I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Foxy said. He opened the door and it was Springtrap. He let him in and he walked over. "Hey Goldie I was just wondering if yo-" he stopped talking. He pointed at Bailey. "Is that a baby?!" He asked shocked. "Sh!" Chica said. I felt bailey move a bit. "Sorry.. but when did you have a baby?" "A couple weeks ago.. I wanted to tell you but you haven't been around." He rubbed his head. "Oh.. sorry.. what's the name?" He asked. "Bailey." Freddy said. He looked at him confused. "It's a boy? Why does he have a pink blanket?" I chuckled. "Well for your information, bailey is also a girl name. And she is a girl." He had embarrassed look. "Oh.. sorry.." he said. We laughed quietly. "It's fine." Freddy said. "Can I see her?" He asked. I nodded and laid her in my arms exposing her face. "She's so cute. How'd you do it?" I blushed. "Er Puppet helped." He nodded. "Oh okay. Okay I guess I'll leave so she can sleep." I looked at him. "What did you want to tell me?" "It's not important. I'll be going now."  He patted my shoulder and walked out. I sighed but didn't worry about it too much. I put her back on my chest. I got up and walked over to a table. I set one of her blankets on it and tried to make it soft. I put her on it gently and covered her up with the other. I felt freddy rub my back up to my shoulders and resting his arm there. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and kissed my cheek. I just stared at her in awe. I still can't believe she is here now. I can't wait to see what happens in the future.

A few hours pass and me and Freddy are on the stage. Bonnie was sitting next to Chica and foxy at a table. We were just asking about things. I perked my ears when I heard Bailey start to whine. I looked over and seen she was fussing around. I walked over and sat down. Freddy came over to. I pet her head. "What's the matter sweetheart?" I asked her. She just fussed. I noticed she was looking over in the corner. I looked over and seen nothing. "Maybe she seen something there." Freddy said. "Maybe." I looked back at her and she looked at me with a scared look. I felt bad. Did something scare her? Did she see something that we didn't? She continued to cry quietly. Everyone came over. "Is she okay, lad?" Foxy asked. "I'm not sure. She just started to cry. She keeps looking in that corner by the stage." They looked over. "There's Nothing There." Bonnie said. "I know." Freddy crooked an eyebrow. He got up and started to walk over. I looked at Bailey and seems he was watching him. Freddy looked around that area and didn't see anything. He shrugged and walked back. Her ears were down and had fear in her eyes. She was watching him as he sat down again. He put a finger under her chin. "What's the matter?" He asked softly and worried. She went back to looking at the corner. My ear twitched when I heard something. I looked over and still didn't see anything. She started to cry harder for some reason. I picked her up and handed her to Bonnie. "Hold her. I'm gonna see what's scaring her." He nodded and put her against his chest to face her away. I walked over and didn't see anything I felt of the wall and noticed it was warm. "Huh?" I said. "What's wrong?" Chica asked. "The wall is warm.." the looked at each other. I stood straight up and I heard cracking. I started to growl quietly in case it was an intruder. Freddy came over. "What? Why are you growling?" He asked me. My ears perked when I smelt something. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Wait. Do you smell that?" I asked. He sniffed the air. He gasped quietly. "Smoke." He looked at me and I looked at everyone else. I noticed bailey was looking over as well. I looked back at freddy. "We have to get out of here. I think the building is on fire." I said worried. He grabbed my arm and forced me to run over to the others. He held my arm and put his arm out to push everyone out. The smoke alarms went off and I seen dark smoke coming from the hallway. I gasped. We all got to the door and ran out. We ran out and far until we turned around. The whole building was on fire now. I couldn't believe my eyes. I dropped my hands and my shoulders drooped. Everyone was gasping for air. I looked over at  Freddy. She saved out lives.." he said. Bonnie walked over to me and handed her to me. I hugged her tightly. "You saved our lives sweetie." I leaned her back and she giggled quietly. "I can't believe it's gone.." Chica said. "The building doesn't matter." Freddy said. "But where will we stay lads?" Foxy asked. "Let's go to the other pizzeria.." he said. I looked over when I hear fire trucks coming. I nodded. "Hurry. Before they get here." I motioned them to go.

My Everything [freddy x Golden Freddy fanfic] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now