"That's where the 'frustrated' comes in," he replies.

"When you get home, remind me to wipe the smirk off your face," I laugh, "It's good to hear your voice."

"Same. Hold up--" he pauses and says something to someone else, "I'm getting ready to go. Love you."

"Love you too," he hangs up and I finish my drive to work in silence.

I spend the entire day in my phone texting Blair. One of the things that made psychology was it's ability to get people to open up to you, without making it seemed forced or awkward. By lunch I know everything from her favorite color to her abandonment issues. By the time I'm closing up she's asking me out.

And I'm saying yes.


The morning of my date a fresh energy is running through me. I get dressed in black shirt with blue pin stripes. Layne helps me decide on a tie, but I can tell that she's not comfortable with the idea of me seeing another woman. Which I know, because as she helps me put on said tie, it takes everything in her not to choke me out.

As soon as Layne exits the room I loosen my tie, needing to breath but not wanting to give her the satisfaction. I exhale and finish getting dressed, heading downstairs. Even though she's clearly upset with me, there's a thermos with my name on it waiting for me, next to her. She pretends to ignore me as I pour a third of it back into the coffee pot, liking mine with a lot of cream and sugar.

"Don't wait up," I blow her a kiss and head out the door, just to be petty. She could pout all she wanted, but that didn't change the fact that I'm not hers.

As I get into the car I dial Nat's number, feeling nothing but good vibes.

"Hey, Best Friend," I start up my truck.

"Two calls from you within the month? What a surprise," she says dryly, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I have a date," I can't help but tell her.

"With Layne?"

"No," I respond, "With this girl I met at Starbucks."

"But you're trying to make Layne jealous?" she guesses again.

"Why do you assume that this has to do with Layne?" I snap, my good mood gone.

"Look, Kid," she exhales, "You have an entire tattoo sleeve inspired by her. I'm calling Beck."


Before I can stop her she has me on hold, and then is conference calling Beck into our call.

"KJ is going on a jealousy date," Nat tells him.

"I'm not---" Before I can defend myself, my friends are talking over me, as if I'm not present.

"Is this still about Layne?"

"Of course it's about Layne!"

"They need to just get married already real shit."

"Oh God they do!"

"GUYS!" they go silent, "Can you two maybe be happy for me for once? Shit."

"It's not that we aren't happy for you," Beck explains, "But as your best friends, it's our duty to call your bullshit when we see it."

"Yeah," Nat agrees.

I roll my eyes, "I'll call you guys after to tell you about how fucking grand of a time I had. Haters."

"Beck why is she trying to expand the jealously date to us, too?"

I hang up, knowing that my two besties are going to continue to shit talk me for about another thirty minutes. I am not going out with Blair to anger Layne. Layne has no right to be angry because we aren't even together.

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