"Meg? What are you doing back here?" he questioned but I ignored him and walked inside.

There in the middle of the tent reading what looked to be a scribe I saw Achilles look up and make eye contact with me. Raising his eye brow as if to ask me why I was here I didn't bother to say a word, instead I took the vial and tossed it to him. He of course caught it, opened it and took one smell of it before jumping to his feet and quickly closing the vial again.

"What did you get this?!" Achilles asked angered.

"That's what one of the other prospects for Hector's wife has been using to kill her, that's the strongest dose, the dose that was meant to end her. Tell me you can save her Achilles, you can save my sister after all the time you let her down before please I beg of you tell me you can save her from this." I tell him as a tear rolls down from my right eye. "I cannot live without my sister...even you can't live without her or else why would you have made sure she was safe?"

Gripping the vial tightly in his hand, Achilles circled the room as though he were looking for something. From behind what appeared to be an old cur he pulled out a very worn out book. Clearing his throat he looked through the well worn pages until he found the one he was looking for.

"Two days, that's how long it will take for me to have it ready. Keep her full of water until then." Achilles speaks then leave the tent.

Unsure why it took two days I nodded even though Achilles could not see my actions. Turning to leave there stood Patroclus with a regretful look on his face. Not that I didn't love him but at this moment in time I didn't have time for all of our drama. Walking past him I mount the horse again and take off. Two days, 48 hours and Achilles would have the cure to keep Diana alive and healthy.

Once arriving back at the palace, Hector wanted to speak with me and I was more than willing to tell him all that I knew. In his quarters, he sat like a statue, unmoving no doubt unsure what he should do.

"You went to Achilles for a cure? Why would he even help Diana? Why not let the healers here find a cure for it?" Hector asked, no doubt concerned for me and Diana.

"Achilles knows many things, especially when it comes to healing, his mother taught him that. The healers here would have to find a cure when Achilles already knows one and the reason he would help her? She is the mother of his only true heir. Even in his mind that means he would always save her if he could." I answer all his questions without any hesitation at all.

Hector nods as though he were trying to understand what I was saying.

"What of the woman that did this to my sister? What punishment will she have?" I question.

"She has been judged and her punishment is public execution." Paris answers me as he walks into the room and I begin to wonder who is watching Diana.

"She is safe with us; Paris I will watch over Diana now and please let me know when the cure arrives." Hector says as he stands and then walks out of the room.

"He fears for Diana more than I have ever seen him fear for another human." Paris comments as he looks at me.

"Paris...what happens at a public execution?"

"Whatever Hector wants to happen. Hanging, beheading it could be anything."

"Her family did not offer their own form of punishment? Even say they would defend her?"

"No, they offered their forgiveness and their daughter to pay for her own crime."

That sounds like a horrible family but they did raise an almost murderer... standing up from the chair I was sitting in I make my way out of the room. I didn't want to hear how the woman would die though something told me somehow, I would end up seeing it with my own eyes.

The two days had finally passed and I had convinced Hector to let me stay with Diana this night. He was unwilling at first but after much persuasion from myself and Paris he finally agreed and spent the night with the children. Laying back on the chaise in Diana's room, I watch as the silk curtains blew in the wind. They looked enchanted, almost as if they had a mind of their own. I only closed my eyes for a moment but when they opened again there was Achilles sitting right beside Diana. I kept still as I watched the scene before me.

He didn't wake her up, instead he gently ran his fingers over her cheek then checked her head for fever. She didn't have one today but that didn't mean she wouldn't have one tomorrow. He then took something from his pocket and removed the top of the vial with his teeth. Holding Diana up in her bed and then her mouth opens he pour the liquid into her mouth and she swallowed it. Closing her mouth, he laid her back down and kissed her forehead one last time before disappearing again. Then I let my eyes close and sleep over take me.

The next morning, I could feel the sun on my face which of course made my eyes open. Once I did, I saw Diana's bed empty and thinking that Achilles had taken her I jumped up only to see her standing on the balcony. Her color had returned to her face and she looked perfectly healthy.

"Di?" I call out to her as I begin to walk to her side.

"Meg...what happened? I feel like I was in a deep sleep..." Diana says with a confused look on her face.

"One of the other women, she was poisoning you and once we found out how we made and antidote and now here you are, all better." I explain not giving many details.

"That's horrible news to wake up to...what happened to the woman?"

Taking my finger, I slide it across my neck letting her know the woman was killed for killing the future queen. Grimacing she then looked back out to the city then looked down. Sighing as though she were relieved I wonder what else might be troubling her.

"Is something else wrong Di?" I ask as I finally reach her.

"I know what else could have made me sick now, I was going to tell you but then it was as though I became weaker and weaker." She tells me as she then looks to me. "You were right, I think I'm pregnant."

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