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the rat pack

mitchell my son 🍎
descendants 3 is coming bitches

lovey dovey 🕊
mal gets to meet her daddy

sofia the first 👑
mal met her daddy in
the first movie, her name
is evie


you guys are so wild
omg but that means you'll
be back in vancouver for
a long time :(((
i won't get to see my baby

lovey dovey 🕊
you can come with us

sofia the first 👑
uhhh you won't be
able to like spend
all day on set but
you could stay in
a nearby area??

you could book a
modeling gig up
here right?

cam those
only last for a
few days or weeks
not for the months you guys
will be there
ugh i need to make more
friends so i won't be
so lonely

mitchell my son🍎
hey i can stuff you in
my suitcase and sneak
you into my trailer
i'll stock it up with
fruits and veggies
and chocolate

you really don't have
to worry about me guys
i'll be fine
i'll visit as much as
i gotta go, i have a
shoot in like an hour and
my manager will be up my ass
if i'm late

sofia the first 👑
okay i love you

lovey dovey 🕊


mitchell my son🍎
i love you most


this update is so freaking short

i'm sorry for updating like once a month

i've had writers block with this story for so long

i'm not gonna give up on it though

thank you for faithfully reading

i've had a dacre montgomery fanfic in my drafts for almost two months and it's planned out , it's a social media fic too and i wanna start writing it and posting it omg

anyways i'll try to update moreeee

UH HUH ➮ BOOBOO STEWART [discontinued]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt