"I keep it for you, along with your Tennessee Cider. Keep it in a cabinet I don't go into so I never see it. I forget about it normally." She knew the cabinet he was talking about. The one with all the baking supplies.

"My cabinet." She looked up, meeting his ocean colored eyes as he nodded.

"Stop avoiding the question baby." He pushed. He knew better than to push but he could tell there was something in her that needed to explode, something that was dying to get out.

"Where do I start? He keeps tryin to change me, to make me into someone I'm not. I feel lost, like nothing I do is good enough. Like I fail everything I do. I feel as if I make a single move is wrong and he's going to be upset. I..I.." The tears welled up in her eyes as she began to ramble. Her words were so fast he nearly missed them. He walked over to her, kneeling as he took the glass from her hands. He set it on the table before turning his attention to her. She collapsed in his arms, crying against his chest as he held her tight. His shirt was becoming soaked with her tears, but he didn't say a word. He simply allowed her to cry, emptying all of her stress, anger, and worry onto him. Pulling away ever so slightly she stared up at him.

"He's no good for you if he's making you cry, baby." His voice was just above a whisper as she looked away. He brought his thumbs to her cheeks, running his fingers under her eyes he collected her tears. She made no movement as she stared at him. He could smell the whiskey that laced the warm air of her breath as he inched closer to her. She traced her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue before closing the gap between them and pressing her lips softly against his. She moaned against her lips as what felt like fireworks exploded throughout her body. Inhaling deeply she pushed her chest against him harder and deepened the kiss. His hand tangled in her hair as the other slid to her back, sliding farther until it was pushing her closer to him.

"Make me yours again Brantley, please." The breath was knocked from his chest at her request as he instantly grabbed the back of her neck and slammed their lips together. A sense of urgency washed over both of them as the fire surrounded them. She moaned as he trailed from her lips to neck, biting and sucking any piece of available skin. Her head dropped back as her back arched against his hand. With his other, he lifted the back of her dress as she feverishly worked at his tie of his pajama bottoms. He silently cursed himself for wearing any bottoms. He needed her, in more ways than he could imagine. He needed her like the air he needed to breathe, like his guitar, like the water it took to grow the grass. He knew it was wrong. She was tipsy and she was with someone but that didn't matter he needed her, her love, the pleasure only she could bring him. Out of every girl he had been with he always came back to her. She was his north star.

"Fuck Brantley," she whimpered as his fingers traced the hem of her lace panties. He slammed their lips together, feeling the bruises form already. He lifted her with ease, causing her to wrap her legs around him. Effortlessly he carried her to his room never once breaking their kiss as he laid her down. He could taste the whiskey on her lips as he deepened the kiss making her moan even louder. His chest was on fire like he couldn't catch his breath. She moaned his name again, making him respond with a moan of his own. He could sense her desperation as her hands flew once more to the ties of his pants, pushing them down as he quickly pulled off his shirt.

"You're wearing too much girl," he chuckled, breaking her from her trance. She bit her lip as she stared at his toned and tattooed chest. He was half afraid she'd run out that door. She smiled in return and allowed him to rip the dress off her frail body. He noticed a quarter-sized fading bruise on her hip but paid no mind as he pulled her panties down. She was a klutz and always had bruises surrounding her pale skin. He would know if anything else had happened, wouldn't he? She lifted her hips allowing him to pull the thin fabric from her body. Within seconds, he was in her. There was no foreplay this time, no taking their time. They needed each other too much. Her mouth dropped as a long moan filled the room around them, her back arching as her nails dug deep into his back. His head spun as he felt her heat wrapped around him for the first time in two years. His name fell from her lips like a broken record. He grunted in response. His mind continued to swirl at the tightness that surrounded him.

"Fuck I love you," her heart stopped for a second. She let it slip, though it was no hidden secret that she loved him. She knew it. He knew it. The whole town knew it.

"Again," though it sounded like a request she knew it was anything but. She said it again, the words falling from her lips with ease. It was true. Brantley had her heart for all these years and though she wished this could be her reality she knew it couldn't. He would kill Brantley, and make her watch. Her thoughts were shoved from her mind as he picked up his pace. He knew she was his. Always had been. He was just too stupid to realize it. Just as he was always hers. He had fought tooth and nail with every girl he had been with over her. They knew he would never give her up. She has his heroine.

"Brantley, harder, please please harder," she begged him. Though she wanted to forget the pain, she knew this was a different type. He grunted as he set a punishing pain. He didn't know what was going on in her mind but he knew she needed him to make it stop and he was going to do whatever it took to do that. Curses slid from her lips as they hips slammed harder and harder against each other. She knew she'd have a new set of bruises. Bruises she would love. Bruises she knew would mean something.

"Fuck, I love you Sienna." he moaned, his words drawn out as he filled her with his seed. She instantly came around him screaming as her walls tightening harder than he could have imagined. His hips twitched as he bucked once more. He laid his head on her shoulder, not moving his member from its welcoming confinements. He had said those words a thousand times but they were only true for her.

"I love you Sienna," he said over and over. Her heart was breaking with every word, but she responded right back with her own 'I love you's in between sweet careful kisses.

"Stay with me," he begged. His heart broke, she was with someone she didn't want to be. Someone that made her cry. She could be with him. The person who knew how to make her smile when smiling was impossible.

"I can't Brant." he could hear the sorrow that laced her words. He could tell there was something holding her back, but he didn't press it anymore. For now, he was going to deal with the point-blank kiss, the breaking of his heart and wrecking of his bed. Because for one night. Sienna Rose Winters was his again.

Authors Note: Awes at least there was one night....so far...

Goodbye Ain't Ever Meant A Thingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें