Chapter 10

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Pets P.O.V.
After racing past Dante we finally made it to the Elder foxes home, it was a small den but enough to fill his needs.
We patted our feet on the ground waiting for some sort of sign to let ourselves in.
But, nothing.
Confused, we just thought he might not have heard us, so we did it again.
Is he home?
Y/n and I look at each other confused.
Deciding after a whirl, we'd just barge in.
We walked in, and it seemed... what's that word I'm looking for?
It's on the tip of my tongue.
Y/n looked around, dark and cold, lifeless, nothing, a rotting smell case to our nose.
We found out it was what looked to be weeks, months? Of a dead animal, barely any of it eaten.
Flies buzzed around the rotting carcass, so Y/n and I slowly backed away from it.
"What are you doing here?" Yipped a voice behind us.
It was in fox tongue though, not English.
Though we could understand and talk in it, it surprised us a bit.
Y/n and I turned around to see what looked to be a female slick fox with a kit next to her. (A kit is a baby fox for thoughts that don't know!)
A large scar ran raggedly across her side and one on her chest.
Blood seeped through a few cuts that were placed here and there, like she just hit out of a fight.
"We were looking for the Elder fox, he lives here." Y/n said in her language.
"Don't bother, he won't be here." She said, her kit standing closer to her.
"What, why not?" I questioned.
"He just died." She answered flatly.
It felt like an arrow to the heart.
Died??! How!?
What was the cause of this?
"How?" Y/n questioned, I could tell she was confused.
"He just finished saving me and my kit, the rest of my kits died. It was a predator after us and the Elder stepped in to save us. He told us to run to his house but, I watched him parish." She said looking down.
Y/n and I stayed silent.
" what's your name?" The female questioned, breaking the silence.
"I'm Pet, that's Y/n." I answered.
"I'm Jinx, this is my son Vine." She said nudging the kit with her paw.
Jinx sniffed the air before squinting her eyes at us.
"You smell like a human." She scoffed.
Y/n and I looked at each other.
"Do we? I guess we would, we ran into one on our way here." I said.
Ok, it's not really a LIE.
"Hmm.. these humans are getting way to adventurous for my liking. They might start stealing kits if there tempted to!" She growled.
"I don't know, honestly." Y/n piped up.
"Well, I'm sorry to bring you this bad news. But I guess I'll be staying here to rest up. You two best be going." She said plainly.
"Right. Bye, Jinx." I said heading out with Y/n.
When we got distance from the den we bolted home.
Your P.O.V.
I should've visited more often.
Kou's gunna be heart broken when he finds out..
When we reached our yard, Pet transformed into her human form but with the tail and ears.
I raced after her, we peaked our head through the partially opened door that led to the kitchen.
We saw Kou, talking with a human!
Pet was the only one that could go in there, I have to stay back.
Pet got rid of her ears and tail, shaking her head so her hair fell in place.
"Sneak into our room.." Pet whispered to me.
I turned around heading in that direction.
Kou's P.O.V.
I sat there trying not to get a nose bleed as I talked with Aphmau.
Jeez... whyyyy are humans so, so, so perfect!?!
"Huh? Oh, hey Pet!" Aphmau chirped, breaking me from my daze.
I looked behind me to see Pet, she nervously played with the sleeves of her sweater, but kept eye contact with us.
"What're you doing here, Pet? I thought you were with Y/n." I said shifting my body so I could look back and forth between Aphmau and Pet.
"Yeah but she fell asleep in our room, Kou. Anyway... hey Aph, sorry for Not erm, walking to the bus stop with you." Pet said scratching the back of her neck.
Aphmau giggled, "Its fine!"
Pet seemed somewhat relieved by Aphmau saying that.
"Well, I should get going.  Hopefully I'll see you two tomorrow!" Aphmau said, we waved bye and she left our house.
"I have some bad news." Pet said turning to me.
Your kidding me!
More bad news!?
I sighed, "What is it?" I questioned, our ears and tails popped out but we never broke eye contact.
"Y/n and I went to visit the Elder fox..." Pet said.
I raised an eyebrow.
"And, he's...we round out... he died...recently..." Pet said lowering her head.
This can't happen.
He should be alive... he was so full of wisdom, he was amazing.
And now he's gone.
I slumped in my seat.
"I need to sleep on this, excuse me." I mumbled, getting up and hiding my saddened face.
I took in a deep shaky breath.
Keep it together.

My kind is not welcome... ~Travis X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now