Part 1

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          Bianca was one of the most popular girls in school, head of the cheer team, volleyball captain and the girl every guy wanted. She was paper thin, flat stomach, B cup boobs, tanned arms and legs, long wavy light brown hair so basically the girl every guy dreams about being with. But she also has a health obsessed mother. She went a little crazy after her divorce 7 years ago and still hasn't gotten over it. She coaches the PE at her school and makes sure that Bianca never ate a single unhealthy thing and that she stays perfect. As for her father, she hasn't seen him in years.

       Bianca was getting dressed after cheer practice and getting ready to start walking home as she does every day. she pulled on her t-shirt and some skinny jeans that she worn to school that day and starts walking toward her home when she hears her mom shout her name from her car.

"mom?" bianca was a little confused, her mom never picked her up she always preferred her walking as it was more exercise. 

"hi sweetie!" she mom said as she approached the car.

"what are you doing here? I was just walking home." she opens the door and gets in.

"I know you usually walk home but I needed to talk to you so I thought id pick you up this one time." 

"ok......" bianca is a little scared for what ever her mom is about to tell her. "what do you want to talk about?" 

"well, you know that job I wanted?"


"well I got it!"her mom doesn't sound too enthused by this

"thats great mom!" bianca notices her moms downcast look. "whats wrong this great!"

"it is but, id have to spend the first 8 months of the job in New York so your going to have to live with your father for a while......." her mother looks at her with a sad stare. 

"oh....." bianca hadn't seen her father since her mother won custody. One of the last thing she remembers was helping her dad decorate what was going to be her room at his house before her mom got full custody of her. "for eight months?" she asked because that would mean shed spend her summer and the beginning of the school year with her father. 

"yes it will be eight long months but you'll be fine, your father will treat you well."her mom doesn't even seem sure about this but she's really wanted this job for a long time. 

"alright." she realizes she can't object, she also knows how much this means to her mom. "when do I leave?"

"tomorrow at 8:00 sharp." her mom starts to pull out of the parking lot and start heading home 

"WHATT!?!?! MOM!" she is extremely mad at her mom, summer had just started and she hadn't even gotten to hang out with her friends yet. "HOW COULD YOU SPRING THIS ON ME???" 

"I know honey I'm sorry but I have to leave soon if want the job and thats mea s so do you." her mom is starting to look a little guilty. "you'll need to finish packing but I already started to for you." 

"can I at least go to this party Nick is having? I want to see my friends before being shipped of to oregon." She decided she needed to milk this situation. Her mother never normally let her go to parties because of all the "evil food" (thats junk food if you needed translation). 

Her mother sighs. "I guess you can..." she sighs again "but you can't eat any of the food, ok?"

"ok....." she realized that was better than not going at all so she took what she could. 


Time skip 4 hours


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