"We shouldn't be going to Benning, we're not going to find anything there, just disappointment" Rick admits to me in the silence.

"I know, but the others are hopeful. Maybe we'll find somewhere before Benning. Somewhere great and safe, secure"

"Do you really think we'll ever be safe... in a world like this?"

"Have you ever heard the term "Regression to the mean?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest and turning to him slightly to see his confusing "A brilliant man once told me about it, basically what it means is that things will always even out... thing's can't always be good or bad, there has to be a middle. All we have to do is find it" I explain and turn my head to the door as it opens behind us and Glenn pops his head through.

"We're ready" he informs us before disappearing again. Sighing Rick and I follow after the Korean into the room where everyone is now wake and packed. Gathering our stuff, we head out side and to the cars. We've had to split the cars down to four now, getting rid of Daryl's truck, but keeping Merle's bike and getting rid of the church van and Shane's jeep. Now all that is left is the RV holding Dale, Shane, Glenn, T, Andrea and Amy. Driving in Carol's Cherokee is Rick, Lori, Carol, Carl and Sophia and lastly my Camry holding, myself, Liam, Allison and Daryl who is to swap with Merle whenever he gets tired. Which just happens to be right now.

Merle is in the back seat along with Liam, both curled up on their own sides snoring lightly as I sit in the passenger seat, reading to Allison as she drives "Mr. Darcy is not to be laughed at!" Cries Elizabeth "That is an uncommon advantage, and uncommon I hope it will continue, for it would be a great loss to me to have many such acquaintance. dearly love a laugh."

"Miss Bingley," said he, "has given me credit for more than can be. The wisest and the best of men, nay, the wisest and best of their actions, may be rendered ridiculous by a person whose first object in life is a joke."

"Certainly," replied Elizabeth – "there are such people, but I hope I am not one of them. I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can. -- But these, I suppose, are precisely what you are without."

"Perhaps that is not possible for any one. But it has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses which often expose a strong understanding to ridicule."

"Such as vanity and pride"

''Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed. But -- where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation.''

Elizabeth turned away to hide a smile.

"Your examination of Mr. Darcy is over, I presume," said Miss Bingley; -- "and pray what is the result?"

"I am perfectly convinced by it that Mr. Darcy has no defect. He owns it himself without disguise."

"Why'd you stop?" Allison asks with a glance to me.

"My eyes are beginning to hurt" I mumble as I rub my palms into my eyes.

"Maybe you should sleep you've been having nightmare's again haven't you?"

"They never stop" I correct her as I close the book and throw it on the dash board and curl up into my seat. So I am facing her but also have the two in the back in my slight view.

"How are you feeling Grace?"

"Pissed, enraged, robbed, scared, alone...Basically what everyone else is feeling" I reply as we slow down "What's going on?" I ask confused, rolling down the window, I stick my body half out of the car and look ahead, cars are dotted everywhere giving us little way through the road. Looking back to Rick's car I shrug my shoulders at him and turn back to the RV when I hear Dale's voice over the roar of Merle's Motorbike that is being driving by his brother.

Regression to the Mean 3: ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now