the villain with a bat;

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Black hair, leather jacket, a bat on his right shoulder.

Deep voice, chilling laughter, oh, you just know when he walks into the room.

I remember how fast my attention turned when I first laid eyes on him.

Fast. That's the word that emanates into my mind when describing the volume of my heartbeat everytime our dark eyes meet.

...but I would never tell.

He deceits. He manipulates. He slaughters.

He's merciless and North pole cold-hearted.

But in his twisted mind, he's not a monster.

You will fall.

Before you know it, without ever realizing it, you will fall.

Then one day, you're gonna hit the solid ground, head first.

Then your bones are gonna break, your ribs are gonna be crushed, and you're gonna feel the pain spreading out to every inch of your limbs quicker than a walker's bite.

Before you take your last breath, there's this lingering question that won't stop roaming around in your brain;

"How can the devil be pulling you towards someone who looks like an angel when he smiles at you?"

...and that's how he makes me feel.

Author's note: the last quote was indeed inspired by Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble" music video. I immediately thought of that brilliant quote while writing this and this man in general. P.S. I hope you liked it. :)

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