Chapter 6

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I exhaled for what felt like the hundredth time this hour. We continued to go back and forth about what we were about to do but we all knew this was the only way for Lana to be herself sooner rather than later.

I looked as Lana sat on the chair just in the other room. From what I could see she no longer looked calm, no now she looked upset and I knew why. A glass window separated us from her and it was a good thing it was sound proof or else she would have heard Matt's yells.

"You're planning on giving her fake memories!" Matt yells angrily "She doesn't even trust us fully yet"

"Will you calm down, you're upsetting her. This is for the best. For once she won't have to live her life in pain from all of her real memories of her past. She lost her best friend and for goodness sakes she lost her baby Matt. I don't see why you're complaining she will still remember you" I say annoyed at him "Trust me if I could id give her the real memories that belong to her. But, If I get something wrong her brain will shut down and she will be gone for good. She wont know what's real or fake"

He looked in her direction and knew I was right after staring at her. He took a deep breath and exhaled. I could tell he was now also trying not to get any more upset.

"We're lying to her. Do you think she will forgive us when her memories come back?" Leo asks

"If they ever come back. She's been in a coma for almost four months. She shouldn't have survived that fall; that attack left her on the brink of dead. If I can give her some type of peace then I will" I say "she deserves this much. She deserves to live happy with no worry and no guilt"

"So what exactly are you planning on doing?" Leo asks

"I'm going to give her an ordinary life. A mother with her son who has just moved into a new home. A hardworking father who visits every once in a while because work keeps him away" I say looking at Matt "I may not like this idea but you two are still married. A ceremony like yours isn't simply undone. You and Lana are still married and maybe for you to have your same life I can plant something like you guys are separated because of the lack of time you two spend together. I don't know I'll come up with something"

"And what about her fiancée or her sister? What do you plan to do when they see her and try to confront her?" Matt asks "she may be my wife for life but when she gets her memories back she will remember how I left her"

"And why did you leave her?" I ask knowing

"You know why. I had to in order to keep her safe I had to finish my mission even if it meant leaving the woman I love behind" he says

"Exactly, which is why this is a great idea. You get your wife back and her," I say looking back at Lana "she gets the life she's always wanted. Everyone already thinks she's dead now she can live a normal life"

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