Chapter 18- Recovering

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I collapsed on my bed, not moving an inch. I was too tired to even get something to eat. The only food I'd had in the week since the battle was a few bowls of chicken noodles. A million thoughts were running through my head, so fast I didn't have time to process them all. They were mainly based around the disappearance of The Samurai. Where did they go? Are they going to attack again? How the hell did Callum just happen to be able to create axes out of thin air? Why is Kira giving me strange looks from the door? Why is Kira even at the door? Why can't she leave me alone when I'm clearly not in the mood to talk to anyone?

"You're singing again" Kira complained rolling her eyes.

I made a loud groan (usually the only sound I made) and rolled over to face the wall. I did want to get up to see the rest of the group, check on Joel's leg, talk to Estella, nah, let's not.

"You were singing bad day" Kira said, sounding a little calmer than usual.

I wanted to say that it was more like a bad week but I wasn't bothered to talk. I rolled back over and managed a little smile. She walked over to my bed and helped me sit up.

"I'll get you something to eat" she said walking out of the room.

I was about to thank her but 1. I wasn't talking, and 2. She spoke first.

"Oh that's right, I forgot to tell you, I told Estella about April before the battle, just so she understands how you feel about relationships" she said.

I felt relaxed, I was going to tell her myself but unfortunately I had a cat, a lightning rod and a knight in shadowy armour to deal with.

Kira returned a few minutes later bringing in a peanut butter sandwich. I could've kissed her but that would've been a little strange. I gobbled down the bread so fast it made Kira step back to avoid the crumbs flying everywhere. I guess she really was the team healer because after that, I jumped straight out of the bed.

"Right, now I'm ready to do stuff" I said enthusiastically, "what can I do?"

Kira bit her bottom lip and tilted her head slightly. "Well, I've got Joel handled, his leg is getting better. Wills and Ella are off on a mission doing god knows what, but I think Estella was down by the paddock if you want to see her."

I marched out of my room and sat on the lounge in the main room. What to do, what to do. I repeated the words over and over in my head. I'll check on Joel, then go see Estella, I decided.

"Where's Joel?" I asked Kira.

She pointed to the kitchen area. "He's in there."

I got up, groaning with the pain that my legs were in, and hobbled into the kitchen.

"Harley! Thank god." Joel yelled as I entered. "I thought you were out for good."

"I was thinking the same about you." I said.

He stretched his injured leg out, wrapped in bandages. "It doesn't hurt much, but it killed when Kira had to remove the shard. Her powder made it stop bleeding, luckily."

I breathed out heavily, I was relieved for the tenth time that week to hear that it wasn't as bad as I expected.

"Well at least you're fine, nothing can take down Green Arrow!" I said, trying to cheer him up.

As I said "Green Arrow" his head dropped. "I can't be Green Arrow anymore, not without my bow."

I totally forgot his bow broke! I felt so bad for him. Feeling like slumping down on the ground myself, I just told him I had to go and left before I said something stupid.

Next task of the day, find Estella. I jumped and front-flipped through the trapdoor, my first acrobatics in seven days, and landed on the ground at the base of the tree. My feet kinda hurt from the impact, I would have to get back onto my training.

If anything, it was colder than usual, not the weather, the atmosphere. It was like the bush knew what happened and realised that there was danger within the branches. Boy, was it right! I felt a cool breeze flow through my hair letting it fly out in all directions. I realised that I definitely needed a haircut soon, but I enjoyed the relaxing feeling of having my hair thrown around in the wind. I ran my hands through it, cringing at the oily feeling, and picked out all the knots. Once that was done, I was ready to face Estella again.

I jogged along the dusty track through the bush and slid down the slope on my bare feet, no pain no gain, right?
I slowed my pace as I passed the criss-crossed steel fence surrounding the power station. There was something very eerie going on, and this time it wasn't my hunger giving me impaired vision. The further I walked the more the colour seemed to be drained from my surroundings. By my twentieth step, everything was grey and lifeless.
The trees drooped over and the sky was as dull as a rainy winter day.

A booming voice echoed in my head. "I know your fears...your memories...your loved ones. I can see everything inside your head, every little detail. You and your friends will fall before me, but first, I believe you were looking for someone."

I clutched my head tightly and groaned at the voice in my head. I dropped to my knees and shut my eyes tightly, but it wouldn't stop, an evil laughter cackling over and over in my mind. It could drive anyone insane. The only other sound I could hear was a voice, Estella's voice, yelling for help. This gave me strength. Whatever this thing was, it was hurting my friend.

I forced my eyes open and slowly got to my feet. The laughter faded and the colour returned to the bush. Before I could say or do anything, an unconscious figure sprawled out in the dirt caught my eye. I recognised it immediately as Estella and started running toward her. I suddenly wished that voice would come back, because I was about to make it pay.

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