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"Where are we?" Amy asked as they landed,
"UNIT HQ" Ten said walking towards the door, River rolled her eyes and put the brakes on,
"Why do you always forget about the brakes?" River asked, before following him out the door, Amy, Rory and Clara followed them out the door. Clara closed the door behind them and looked around,
"I had no idea that this place existed" Clara told them, Ten chuckled at her and turned a corner, walking into an office, he leaned on the doorframe and knocked twice, Martha and Mickey looked up and saw the Doctor, he grinned at him.
"Doctor" Martha smiled and got up from the desk, hugging him tightly,
"We need your help" Clara said to Martha and Mickey.

"Who are you four?" Mickey asked Clara, Amy, Rory and River,
"River, Amy, Rory and Clara" Ten pointed them out,
"Why do you need our help?" Martha asked Clara,
"The Doctor, a later regeneration of him anyway, has gone missing. I'm finding all of his friends to help me find him" Clara told her and Mickey, the two nodded their heads and looked at one another.
"Are you sure you're up for this?" Martha asked Clara,
"Why wouldn't I be?" Clara raised an eyebrow
"Because you look like a school teacher" Martha said,
"I am a school teacher" Clara told her.

"Ok, we'll help. Who's left?" Mickey asked them, they all looked to Ten who just sighed,
"Jack and Rose if I remember correctly" He told them, Martha nodded and walked back over to her desk and got on the phone.
"Captain Jack? It's Martha, how quick can you get to UNIT?" She asked, she nodded her head before hanging up.

"He said he'll be here soon" Ten nodded and started walking back to the TARDIS. Clara, Amy, River, Rory, Martha and Mickey all followed behind him, they got back to the TARDIS and entered, Martha and Mickey looked around the console room,
"I tell you what, the TARDIS is in better shape than what it was with you" Mickey laughed, Martha smacked his arm,
"Yea well I don't like it" Ten frowned.
"I do, it looks nice, I also saw that the outside looks better too, a nicer blue" Martha said honestly, Amy and Rory nodded their heads in agreement,
"I quite like the new blue on the outside too" Rory spoke up.
"I guess my future self is trying to hurt my feelings" Ten said, scrolling through the list, everyone laughed at his comment which made him frown more.

Everyone was having their own conversations, Rory and Mickey, River, Amy and Martha and Clara and Ten when there was a knock on the door, River walked over and opened it and Jack walked through,
"You called?" He grinned,
"You said soon" Martha told him, he shrugged before she hugged him,
"The TARDIS is different" He said as he pulled away,
"Yes it is, future me decided to rebel, i mean you should see what he wears" Ten shook his head.
"Who is everyone? And what's going on?" Jack asked Ten,
"That's River, Rory is with Mickey, that's Amy and tha-"
"Hello, Captain Jack Harkness, who are you?" Jack smiled and stuck a hand out at Clara.

"Clara Oswald" She smiled and shook his hand,
"Clara, don't fall for it, he tried this with everyone because he's such a flirt" Mickey told her,
"Can't I say hello?!" Jack asked,
"Not the way you do it" Ten told him causing Martha and Mickey to laugh.
"The Doctor has gone missing, a future of him at least, he didn't leave anything behind except for these, but I don't think they'll help" Clara told him, holding up the sunglasses,
"Is that a guitar?" Amy asked, just noticing the guitar that was sitting on the stand
"Like I said, he's rebelling" Ten said before looking at Martha.
"Who's your boss?" He asked her,
"Umm her name is Kate, I don't know much about her, haven't met her yet" Martha told him.

"We know Kate. What year is this?" Amy asked,
"Two thousand and twelve" Mickey told her,
"What month?" Rory asked,
"June" Martha said.
"She won't know us yet, can you take us to any point in the future? Doesn't matter the year, oh also we need to go to the Tower of London" Amy told Ten, he nodded and set in coordinates, River took the brakes off and the TARDIS took off.
"So how do you know Kate?" Martha asked,
"We worked with her and the Doctor when the cubes invaded Earth" Rory explained,
"The cubes? As in those black cubes that were everywhere and did nothing for almost a year?" Clara asked, Amy nodded her head as the TARDIS landed.

The eight of them exited the TARDIS and looked around,
"This is as close to the Tower as I could get us" Ten told them. Moments later two black cars pulled up beside them and a woman with blonde hair exited one of them,
"Kate Lethbridge Stewart, what brings you here Doctor?"
"We need your help" Ten said, Kate nodded her head before noticing Clara,
"Welcome back Miss Oswald" Kate smiled at her.
"How far in the future are we?" She looked up at Ten,
"Two thousand and fifteen" Kate told them,
"Okay, because this my first time meeting you, ever" Clara told her,
"Amy, Rory, nice to see you again" Kate smiled at them.

"If you wouldn't mind coming with us?" Kate gestured to the two cars, Mickey, River, Amy and Rory got in one car and Ten, Clara, Jack and Martha got in the other one, Kate got in the car that Clara and Ten were in to talk about what has happened.
"The Doctor's gone missing" Clara told Kate,
"Which one?" Kate raised an eyebrow,
"Scottish" Clara said,
"I'm Scottish too? I'm definitely rebelling" Ten scoffed and shook his head.
"Be quiet you, we were on a dalek ship...we landed there by accident, and they were chasing us, we were stuck in a dead end. He told me to run back to the TARDIS and hide, so I did, but he never came back. He only left these behind when I went to go find him" Clara said, holding out to sonic sunglasses.

"His sonic sunglasses, he doesn't go anywhere without them, why did he leave them behind?" Kate asked,
"I don't know I-"
"They're sonic? Doctor you got so much cooler, no offence" Jack said
"I'm taking offence to that" Ten replied.
"I'm thinking maybe he left them behind for a reason, maybe so I know to go looking for him?" Clara said, tapping her chin,
"Maybe, we're going to the Tower to help you look" Kate told her.
"I need Rose...to help look" Ten said,
"Okay, we'll extract her when we get there" Kate nodded her head, Ten smiling at her.

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