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"What do you want us to do?" Amy asked the shorter woman on her doorstep,
"Help me find him please, I've got the TARDIS, I was hiding inside from the daleks and he never came back, all I have are these" Clara explained, holding up his sunglasses,
"Sunglasses? That's not like the Doctor" Amy raised an eyebrow once again.
"Are you sure we're talking about the same person? Bow tie wearing dork, who is very childish" Rory asked,
"The Doctor I met wasn't wearing a bow tie, he was wearing a nice jacket with a hooded one underneath it, and he's got very bushy eyebrows, I would describe them as attack eyebrows, he was also Scottish" Clara said.

"You don't think he regenerated, do you?" Rory asked Amy,
"Maybe, can you please take us to the TARDIS?" Amy asked Clara, she nodded her head and put the sunglasses back on before turning around and walking back to the TARDIS.

Clara, Amy and Rory were all trying to figure out how to pilot the TARDIS, travelling to the next person on the list, River Song. The three of them ran around the console, trying to pilot the TARDIS, when they finally landed, Clara put on the brakes and headed for the door, but before she could reach it it opened and a woman with afro like blonde hair walked in.
"Hi mum, hi dad" River smiled at Amy and Rory, Clara turned and looked at them,
"River is our daughter, she's also a time traveler, like the Doctor" Amy told her.
"Speaking of, where is he" River asked, looking around the console room,
"Who are you?" River asked when she locked eyes with Clara,
"I'm Clara, a friend of the Doctor's, he's gone missing and I need your help finding him" Clara said.

"Well how come you've got the TARDIS?"
"I was hiding from the daleks, the Doctor told me to hide, but he never came back, he only left behind these" Clara held out the sunglasses.
"Sunglasses?" River raised an eyebrow at her,
"Yes, they're sonic, sonic sunglasses"
"So he doesn't have a sonic screwdriver anymore?" Amy asked, Clara shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what she meant.
"TARDIS?" River called out, the hologram of the Doctor appeared,
"What can I do for you River?" He asked,
"Where was the Doctor last seen?" River asked, wanting answers.

"On the dalek ship" The hologram answered,
"Who's face and voice are you using as the hologram?" She asked,
"The latest regeneration of the Doctor" The hologram responded with a Scottish accent.
"The Doctor's Scottish now?" Amy asked, her eyes lighting up,
"No, the Doctor is still Gallifreyan" The hologram said,
"I meant accent, obviously his origin didn't change" Amy rolled her eyes.
"Do you have a list?" River asked the three of them once the hologram disappeared, Clara nodded her head and walked back over to the console, getting the list up, River walked over to the screen and entered the coordinates in.

"Were you three piloting her?" River asked, Amy and Rory nodded
"Her?" Clara raised an eyebrow,
"Yes her, the TARDIS is a female" River explained before taking the brakes off and taking off.
"How come you can fly the TARDIS?" Clara asked as she watched River flawlessly pilot TARDIS,
"Long story, basically I'm half Time Lord, which is what the Doctor is, though he's not half Time Lord, he's full Time Lord, if you didn't know" River told her,
"How come you're half Time Lord, and Amy and Rory aren't?"
"I was conceived here in the TARDIS, which means I carry Time Lord DNA" River said,
"Does that mean you can translate whatever comes up on the screens?" Clara asked
"No, because that's Gallifreyan, it's the only language the TARDIS can't translate, also because I never learnt how to read it."

The TARDIS landed and River put the brakes on,
"Where are we?" Amy asked, Clara put on the sonic sunglasses before walking outside,
"Donna Noble's house, I think, at least they're the coordinates I entered" River said, before leaving the TARDIS with Amy, Rory and Clara. The four of them walked up to the house, Clara was about to knock on the door before it opened, a tall man exited the house and noticed the four of them standing there. He noticed River and raised an eyebrow,
"River?" He asked,
"Sorry, I don't think we've met yet. Who're you?" River asked him,
"The Doctor" He said. This time it was Clara to raise an eyebrow,
"I'm sorry, but there's three of them?"
"There's thirteen actually, Time Lords don't die, instead their bodies regenerate, hence the reason you've met a different Doctor than us" River said, looking down at the shorter woman.

"We've come here for help, we were originally here for Donna" Amy told him,
"Well, Donna can't ever remember who I am, or future regenerations, or the TARDIS. So why don't you explain to me why you need my help away from the house?" The Doctor said, walking through the four of them and away from the house, they all followed him and Clara ran to catch up, she ran up to him and walked beside him.
"Hi, I'm Clara, we need your help finding a future version of you, he's gone missing. So I'm on a mission to find all of his-your-friends to find him-you, this is slightly confusing. I've got the TARDIS and these" Clara said, pointing to the sunglasses
"Sunglasses?" He raised an eyebrow, Clara nodded,
"They're sonic" Clara smiled.

"Which one of me has gone missing?" He asked the rest of them,
"Twelfth, we believe" River said, the Doctor nodded,
"Sorry, just gotta ask, which one are you?" Rory asked,
"Tenth" He said walking towards another TARDIS.
"Umm actually, we're using this TARDIS" River said, turning around and heading towards the Twelfth's TARDIS, the others followed her, Clara opened the door and walked in. Ten looked around the TARDIS,
"Ooh, he's redecorated...I don't like it" He frowned and shook his head.
"Who's next on the list?" Rory asked Clara,
"Martha Jones" She answered him,
"We'll most likely find Mickey with her" Ten told her,
"Mickey Smith?" Clara faced him and raised an eyebrow, he nodded before walking to the console and entering the coordinates off memory.

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