Happily Ever After (Ishimaru x Reader)

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A/N: Hello my wonderful readers! I'm sorry it took so long to post something new but here you are! This is a fanfiction composed of only dialogue so read carefully to understand it.


Requested by: annytheangel

Song: Happily Ever After by He Is We


"I don't know about this Ishimaru. What if someone finds out?"

"We go about our business of course. We aren't doing anything expressly forbidden or morally wrong."

"I mean what will people say?"

"Then that is their problem."

"Can't we get in trouble? I'm in the reserve course and you're in the main course I can't imagine the news would be taken well..."

"There is nothing in the school's code of conduct against dating across courses therefore we can't get in trouble."

"But what about your classmates?"

"I assure you they would not care a single bit about such a thing?"

"What about the school administration and teachers?"

"...I can't say what they would think but I doubt it would hold any place in their minds. Their only concerns are developing talents and teaching, not sanctioning student relationships. We don't make contact during transition periods, skip class, or miss out on our studies. Nor do we fail to uphold our obligations, participate in gratuitous public displays of affection, or cause anyone else undue stress so what could we possibly be persecuted for?"

"If you say so..."

"(Y/N), there is no one in the school or anywhere else that is as invested in following rules and remaining proper at all times than me so if I can find no fault with what we are doing then how can anyone else?"

"I'm sorry. It's just that, we're so young. We're still in school and even if we have been able to hide our relationship for the past year the school administration is becoming more attentive. We used to be able to sit in the library and be together for hours but now you can't even carry a conversation with me without a staff member giving us a look. I'm just scared that-"

"Something is going to happen and tear us apart or worse? You don't need to apologize because for every bad thought you've had I've had it as well. I've had every one of those same worries. However, I've reached a state where I've simply stopped caring. We can't predict the future. There is no guaranteed path to avoid all the stressors of life. We don't have some fairy or magic book to tell us what to do. But what we do have is each other and even if I can't promise you a happily ever after we can still try for a happy today. The only ones that can end our relationship is us. No one else has any right or reason to. But we're still together now. Don't stress over something that hasn't even happened yet."

"You're right. We may not get our happily ever after but I can live with being happy right now. And who knows maybe once we graduate we won't even have to think about such things."

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