I Will Never Let You Down (Souda x Reader)

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A/N: This was a request for MissFestiveSouda.
Based on I Will Never Let You Down by Rita Ora

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I was laying in my bed one night talking on the phone with Sonia about something that happened earlier that day with her soulmate, Gundam when it all started. I had my own soulmate but he and I weren't on speaking terms since he had this ridiculous crush on Sonia, even though it was blatantly obvious that she would never in a million years give him the time of day, and I wasn't about to deal with his bs. I was listening to Sonia chatter on and on about the cute animals Gundam trained that day when I began to phase out what she was saying and remember the first time I saw my soulmate.

It was my first day in Hopes Peak Academy but I was a second year student when I met Souda. I spent my first year of high school denying the invitation to join the academy because I had friends in the reserve course that went there and told me how they felt like they weren't being treated as good as the main course students. I didn't like the idea of going to a school that was so clearly elitist but I figured that by going there I'd be able to secure a full ride to any college I wanted so I figured it would be a better option than paying through the nose for college. I'd already made myself believe that the kids would be total snobs with no concern for anyone but themselves but I found myself to be completely wrong. They were all relatively good people that didn't consider themselves to be better than someone cause of some stupid talent.


I stood outside of my new classroom nervously and breathed in deeply. I was going to meet my new classmates for the next two years in a matter of seconds. I knocked on the door and a woman I assumed was my new teacher greeted me.

"Hello (y/n)! Please come in." She said with a bright smile. I smiled back awkwardly and followed her into the room. I stood in front of the class and took in all the politely curious faces looking at me.

"Class, this is (f/n) (l/n). She is the ultimate (talent). She will be joining our class from now on. Treat her well." The teacher introduced me and everyone gave the obligatory greeting but my eyes were focused on a pink haired boy in the front row.

"I hope we all get along." I said distractedly. Something about him was just mesmerizing to me. His eyes were also frozen on mine. For a long time we stared at each other before the teacher spoke.

"I think I know what's going on here. (Y/N) would you mind sharing with us the name of your soulmate?" The teacher asked.

"...Souda" I answered dazedly.

"R-really?" The pink haired boy stuttered.

"The boy you're staring at is Souda Kazuichi." A girl with two braids said.

"What's your symbol?" A girl with multi-colored hair asked.

"A gear. Why?" I answered in confusion.

"Souda here just so happens to be the ultimate mechanic." A short blonde boy smirked from the back while he explained. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Souda, you found your soulmate!" A boy with cloud-like hair said for him enthusiastically. I gasped and began to blush majorly.

"W-what!" He squeaked out.

"Seems like even trash like him has a soulmate." A short blond girl in a kimono sneered.

"You haven't even found your soulmate yet. You realize this means that there are now ten people in this room who have found a soulmate and you are not one of them." The gray haired girl said in response. The short blonde started to tear up and whine while the red head consoled her.

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