t w o

9 1 0

"It happens. Deal with it." -Yellowfang
r o s e p a w

I wish everybody thought I was normal. The reason I am the favorite is because of this dumb prophecy.

The one with rose.
The one who is stared at.
She will save the forest.

The one with stripes.
The one who is never noticed.
He will aid her.

The only striped one that isn't noticed is Bumblebee. I am just going to say this, I like him. As in a mate. I notice him. He isn't old either. He was made a warrior yesterday. Nobody noticed though.

Sorry it's so short! Im workin on a long chapter three but felt like the two people (or so) that read this right now deserve a filler. So that's the prophecy!

-@xfadedrose and @violetstqr

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