Chapter 15; Bucky Bear and Wolfie together again

Start from the beginning

Once we got to my bed, I took the covers in my mouth and pulled them downward and Bucky transitioned himself from my back to my bed and lay down. I then covered him up and he looked at me and said.

"You are an angel (y/n), thank you". I grunted lovingly and sniffed his face before licking his cheek lovingly before turning away and now in human form going into my fridge to take out a water bottle and headed back to Bucky.

"Drink this before you rest". I opened the bottle and handed it to Bucky and he took it and took a sip of it before setting down by my counter, "And don't worry I'll be standing watch and make sure no roughness or loudness disturbs you". I then phased into wolf form and walked out my door and closed it and stood guard while Bucky slept and recovered from his surgery.

A few hours later by late afternoon, I heard Bucky rustling my sheets assuming he was now awake. I went back inside and saw him starting to get up and test out his new metal arm.

"How you feeling?" I asked.

"Better, much better actually. And this feels so much better than my old one".

"Along with it being lighter, we also added sensory attachments so now you can actually feel things much like a normal human hand". I said as I sat down beside him and held out hand. He then reached out with his new metal hand and placed his hand right onto mine. I could tell by the look on his face that he could actually feel the skin of my palm.

"Unbelievable, what I would've give to have seen something like this at the Stark Expo they had back in 43".

"Okay grandpa time to get you updated on the technology".

"Excuse me what did you call me!?"

"You heard oh I'm sorry is your hearing finally getting away from you?" I teased. I was suddenly gripped by Bucky's arms and he said to me.

"You know what I've always wondered?"


"Dogs love belly rubs, wolves are considered to be ancestors of dogs. So does that mean even when you're in human form you will still go crazy over belly rubs?" My eyes widened.

"No it won't" Bucky smirked and said.

"You're lying".

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are". I squirmed out of his arms and took off running with Bucky chasing after me. I ran across the sanctuary as fast as I could and managed to get outside with Bucky calling out to me and suddenly I was tackled. "Come on Wolfie just tell me the truth!" Bucky exclaimed playfully as I continued to struggle.

"I'd rather die than tell you!"

"Then I'll just find out myself". He then began rubbing my belly like it was a dog and to be truthful it tickled like no tomorrow. Back when he was alive, Pietro once asked me the same question and when I didn't answer him, he wanted to find out for himself and I had found out that it was like being tickled and he always took the advantage of doing it whenever he could.

Now that Bucky knows God help me. I kept laughing and he stated in amazement.

"Does that really tickle? Well then I know just what to do if you're ever sad Wolfie".

"Bucky seriously.....stop! I can't hehehehe I can't take it anymohororore!" He finally stopped leaving me breathless. He stood over me and said,

"You are so adorable Wolfie".

"Oh I am so gonna get you for that!" I then jumped up in wolf form and pinned him down to the ground and got enough slobber in my mouth just before licking him drenching him in wolf slobber.

BAD WOLF in Civil War *sequel to BAD WOLF*Where stories live. Discover now