Chapter 45: Chaos

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The definition of chaos: "A state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order."


Faster. Faster. Faster.

Why wasn't this car moving faster? My stomach was hurting from all the stress that I felt I was under right now. It was clear that Aiden was already driving over the speeding limit. But I needed James more than ever, I had never felt this scared since the night several months ago when I had been kidnapped.

Over and over was what Dr. Edwards had said thrown at my face. I could feel the tears still burn in my eyes and it took a lot of strength for me to keep them inside. The car kept going at a dangerously high speed and suddenly I saw a siren in red and blue behind us.

"Aiden! Slow down the cops are behind us!"

Not now, please not now.

"It's okay, the now my license plate."

I didn't even want to know why they did that or why the car as it came closer actually slowed down and let us continue with the speed we had. I could see the turn we were about to make coming closer and without slowing down much it felt like the car was going to flip over, but Aiden made the turn without so much as even showing a drop of sweat.

I guess he had finally understood that I was not joking around about needing to get to the mansion.

We kept driving until we could see the big white mansion painted against the dark sky. There were only a few cars outside which came as a surprise to me since I would have thought that the mansion would be loaded with people if I wasn't allowed to disturb.

"James motorcycle is standing on the north side. But don't forget that he is responsible for lives today."

I just nodded as Aiden tried to get some sense inside my head. But my head was blocking everything out that could distract me from reaching my goal. I threw my door open before the car stood entirely still and Aiden was quickly behind me as I tried to walk my fastest to the front door.

"If this is about food Sweetie, believe me when I say that James will kill both of us."

No, Aiden this was as far away from food as you could come.

I tried to open the door but not to my surprise it was locked. Instead, Aiden hurried up beside me and tried to open the door by typing in the code. He tried to open the door three times but every time came a little signal telling us that there was some kind of error.

"Aiden, what is happening?"

Aiden tried once more and it was clear to see that he didn't know why it didn't work either.

"I don't know..."

Suddenly the door opened and Riccardo's familiar figure stood in the doorway. It was something in the look that I got from him that made old feelings stand on their edges. But I guess it was just from the operation they had ongoing and that suddenly there were people outside trying to break their door to get in.

"Twyla, Aiden."

He looked at both of us as if we were the last people he had expected. Why did his forehead give off a slight shine in the light from the lamp-posts outside the door? If I hadn't felt so stressed I would probably have been able to see the anxiety that was also playing in Riccardo's eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

I looked once at Aiden as if it wasn't obvious why we were here. I mean Aiden was wearing a sombrero and I was holding nachos and salsa in my hands. We were here for Taco-night.

Lace of LavenderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora