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  After Ayato said those words to me that night Ayato-kun asked if I wanted to go further than just kissing I replied with a shocked look on my face "n-nani?" Ayato then asked again do you want to go further pancake? my instant reply was this "Ayato-kun... i-i I'm not sure." Ayato's smirk wided so its not a complete no then I replied with a smile "your right its not a complete no I just didn't know how to say yes to such a bold questions" as I blushed like crazy. Ayato then whispered in my ear "Ill take you tonight and make you mine Psncake I'll show you a whole new world " Ayato said. He then started undressing me until I was completely undressed and then he whispered in my ear "your quite beautiful with no clothes" he said making me blush like crazy. Since I could move now but just barely enough to sit up I sat up and started taking off his clothes with Ayato helping me since I was still just barley able to move and once Ayato was undressed Ayato quickly pushed me back down and inserted his touge in my mouth and I quickly returned the gesture our tounges intertwined.
"Ayato-kun I cant breath" I said as I pushed him away after about a minute. He replied "sorry you taste really sweet" and then insterted himself into me without warning I moaned but also felt pain when he started thrusting and going in and out of me I just couldn't hold my self back any longer so I told him that I was gina... and then before I could finish he said "I know I am too" and then he's gently put his hand on my face and kissed me as he was thrusting  he asked before then Ayato-kun asked me "pancake I..." he stutered "I want a baby" he paused and took his self out of me. I laughed and said Ayato-kun I'm pretty sure I am after what we just did. Ayato look very suprised how? he asked
I looked at him "what do you mean how?"
Ayato replied with a sigh "If your pregnate with my baby then you could possibly die because" he sighed "Vampires arent supposed to be able to get humans pregnate" I quickly reasponed "Ayato-kun I don't care about the risks but if your that concerned then go ahead and turn me so I wont die." Ayato's eyes lit up like the forth of July as he's said I can turn you, really? Ayato said getting up for a second. I thought about it for a second then replied "yeah I will." Ayato then walked over to me and said "you do know this will be more painful than death right?" I nodded knowing full well how painful this is going to be "yeah but at least I'll be with you for all eternity right?" He smiled and said "close your eyes" so I did Ayato-kun then bit me I could feel all the pain he was talking about yet I barely screamed at all mostly because the pain was that bad but the pain I was going through I definitely felt was worth it. Then finally I blacked out. When I woke up I was wearing a dress like Ayato-kuns mothers  dress but instead of a red flower the flower was black and the dress was white with black ribbon along the very bottom trim of the dress and the dress was slim and showed my curves I loved the dress so much and while I was admiring the dress Ayato walked in. "Do you like the dress?" Ayato asked. "It's beautiful!" Ayato replied "go look in a mirror" when I did I had fangs and my eyes were golden color. "So I take it the transformation worked Ayato-kun?" Ayato laughed "yes, yes it did now come down stairs the others have been dying to see you." I laughed "Is that a pun I just heard you say?" ... Ayato chuckled and replied "yes it most certainly was" and I went down stairs to see the others with Ayato-kun beside me still all times.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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