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At school I tried to act normal but everyone kept asking if I was ok. ‘Yes of course I am what would be wrong with me’ I replied every time. They all knew I was lying but nobody said anything. We had an assembly straight after first break but no one knew why. We were all sat listening to our teacher go on about school uniform when all of a sudden there was the sound of a door slamming. ‘ISABELLA-AIMEE SMITH!’ I sank down the back of the seat and thought to myself ‘I’m not answering until she calls me my proper name’. My mum stood at the front of the hall and scanned the room. She spotted me and pointed. ‘GET UP HERE RIGHT NOW Isabella-AIMEE VANG’ she screamed. I slowly, reluctantly stood up and walked towards the front. All eyes on me. Stella gave me an unusual look as I passed. When I got to the front she looked me straight in the eye and said ‘you stupid cow why did you even bother running away, I would know where to find you straight away’ everyone gasped. All they heard next was the sound of my mum’s hand hitting my face. I turned and ran out of the room ignoring all the teachers shouting.

Half an hour later I was still running I would never go back, I couldn’t face them all again. I can’t believe she slapped me in front of the whole of my school. I climbed over a metal fence with some sharp greyish spikes on top. I didn’t even think about it but I got up on top of them. I felt a sharp pain go through my hand. I didn’t think about it at first but I suddenly felt really weak. I looked down at my hand but all I saw was what was grey before was now red. I felt sick; the spike had gone straight through my hand. I looked down; it was a big drop. It was dark now and I was alone and scared. I moved slightly to get comfortable but I fell; down and down it felt like I was falling for hours. When I hit the floor I couldn’t stand up, I couldn’t move, I thought I was going to die right there which in some ways would have been better for everybody.


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