Will You Change Your Name?

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That was it I thought to myself I can’t do it anymore, this whole charade would be over soon. I would make sure of it. I can’t pretend to be happy anymore. I always used to love being with my parents but now, ever since my dad died and my mum met Simon my life is a misery. I can’t even spend five minutes in the same room as them. It’s horrible their all cosy cuddled up on the sofa and I lock myself in my room. Simon is my stepdad to be. He and my mum are to be married in six weeks. I am going to do whatever it takes to ruin it.

My dad was called Eric Vang he was 36 when he died. He has only been gone 3 months and my mums already planned her next wedding. My mum is called Ava Vang soon to be called Ava Smith. It’s such a common last name, Smith. I couldn’t believe it when my mum asked me to change names she was like ‘please Iz it’s for Simon’s sake’ I was shocked I can’t believe she thinks I would change my name for him. Oh that’s me by the way Iz well my real name is Isabella-Aimee Vang. Yep I’m still a Vang and nothing is ever going to change that.

Today is my birthday; my mum is refusing to even look at me because I’m refusing to change my name. So I’m really not expecting to get any present but when I walk downstairs it’s a massive shock. There is the biggest pile of presents I have ever seen ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY IZ’ roared Simon and my mum. I faked a smile; I knew what my mum was trying to do. I looked at each card and saw instead of my name they all said ‘To Isabella-Aimee Smith’ I looked at my mum she looked at me and gave an innocent smile. When I looked round again I realised that there was nothing from my dad’s side of the family but there was lots of names I didn’t recognise. I thought about it and then I looked at Simon I asked them who all the presents were from and Simon smiled ‘my family thought it would be nice to give you something as they will be your family soon as well’.

I looked at my mum who laughed and said ‘very nice of them isn’t it Isabella’ I knew she wanted me to say ‘yes mum thank you Simon I really appreciate it.’ But I wasn’t having it. I ran out of the room and locked myself in my bedroom. Five minutes later my mum came tiptoeing upstairs but I heard her. She came to my door ‘Iz’ she whispered by now I knew this was an act she would come in and shout her heart out and then walk out and expect me to apologise. I pretended to sleep but when she consistently shouted me I decided it was time to go. I grabbed my bag shoved some clothes into it with the biscuits that Simons family bought me. They were the one thing I grabbed on my way out because they were my favourite biscuits. I shoved a blanket into the top of my bag, slung the bag over my shoulder. ‘Ok’ I thought, ‘can’t back out now’. I opened my window and swung myself out onto the porch roof, then slowly and quietly slid down the drain pie onto the ground.


Hey guys! So this is the first thing I've written really and I'd love to know what you think so feel free to comment, message me or vote and share with anyone!! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! I've read so many times there stories on here and seen how supportive everyone is so thanks guys!!! 😊

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