"Dear Amaryllis! Are you alright?" the young man exclaimed, running towards me before freezing. His eyes widened when he looked at me and I looked away. "You have silver eyes," he said tightly. I felt my cheeks burn and I pulled the hood back up.

"I do," I agreed quietly, pushing myself back to my feet. "And you have brown eyes." The young man laughed tightly, and I looked up to see him shaking his head.

"You're the girl the rebels have been searching for," he told me with a proud smile. "And I found you! Oh, you're going to bring hope back to us all!" I glared at him, forcing myself to not raise my hand to my throat. Like hell I'd let them kill me for their own twisted lives. With one last small sniff in the air, I bolted. I didn't go back, nor did I go towards the place that reeked of death and rot. Instead, I bolted into the forest, away from the young man. But I almost immediately stumbled to a stop, eyes wide when the young man was immediately in front of me.

"Sorry, but I can't let you disappear on us," he told me apologetically.

"And I can't let you kill me!" I exclaimed angrily. The young man looked taken aback, absolutely astounded. He seemed to struggle for words before he put his hands up in a submissive gesture.

"Kill you!?" he exclaimed, sounding almost hurt at the accusation. "Why on Uldrid would I kill you?" His words confused me. Isn't that exactly what he wanted? Isn't that what the rebels wanted? Wasn't my head worth a lot of money? Wasn't my death the thing that was supposed to bring hope? That was why we my siblings and I were sent away, why Nero told me to run when we were ambushed.

"I... Well, I... The price on my head..." I stammered. The boy shook his head.

"You're a child of a nobleman," he guessed, his eyes sympathetic. "Not to worry, I promise you're safe with me. You won't be harmed." I didn't quite believe this stranger. Not only did he tell me straight up that I was needed by the rebels, but I didn't even know his name. Him not harming me wasn't entirely promised. He could be tricking me!

"I've been running for hours trying to get away from the Rebels that attacked my siblings and me on our way to a haven!" I exclaimed angrily. I threw my hood back, so he could see my glare. "I have been running on my own! I am the youngest of three children, and I have never lived without my siblings. I've been running so that I could live to see them again! And you expect me to be ok with running straight to the enemies with you?!"

"I understand-"

"No!" I snapped. "You don't! You have no clue what it's like! You have no idea how I feel." Something wet fell down my cheek and I hastily wiped it away. "I am hungry, tired, scared and completely alone. And you're trying to convince me to follow you blindly towards the people I have been told are out to kill me? Are you an idiot?"

"Then, instead of letting me take you to the Rebels, let me at least offer you a bed and some food," he insisted. "I won't force you to see the Rebels, but I can at least offer you a place to stay and rest before you continue whatever journey you're on." I scowled at him for a moment before looking down at my feet. Nero wasn't here to protect me anymore. Niyx was just as distant as Nero, so far from my reach. What was I supposed to do right now? We were never taught how to survive on our own, and not even my extensive reading covered it. Did I have another choice other than to trust this stranger? I didn't know what I could and couldn't eat, I didn't know what water was safe to drink, I didn't know where was safe to sleep, and I sure as hell didn't know how to protect myself.

"Can I know your name first?" I asked quietly. The stranger smiled, and there was something about his smile that felt trustworthy.

"Zeno," he told me. "Zeno Srtyker. I live in the town nearby with my mother and younger brother."

"I'm Celaena," I replied. "But, I'm not telling you my family name. I need to protect myself a little." We both shared a strained smile before he turned and began to walk. I quickly followed after him, walking by his side.

"It's nice to meet you Celaena," he told me, smiling charmingly. "Have you ever been outside your home before you tried to make it to your haven?" I sent him an annoyed look. "Right, I'll take that as a no. Well, the town isn't as perfect as one of your noble mansions, but the people are lovely. I promise, you'll feel right at home."

"Is that what I can smell?" I asked, scrunching up my nose. I could still smell the putrid mixture in the air. It was nauseating.

"Ah," Zeno said with an embarrassed look. "You're one of those kinds. Heightened smell. And if I'm correct, heightened hearing." I frowned at him, confused at how having heightened smell or hearing made me a "kind". "I have heightened sight. You don't know much about anything, do you?"

"I know a lot about the world," I glared, offended. "Just, things about our own kind was never high on the priority list. My father prohibited the books detailing our history. Everything I learned about the Atherius was through word of mouth." Zeno grimaced as if I told him something grotesque.

"That's not fair for you," he muttered. "There is so much for you to learn, so much for you to learn about our kind." I looked up at him and found him frowning down at me. I didn't quite understand how not learning about our kind's history disadvantaged me. I still learned about the creatures of the world, of the science and mathematics.

His eyes were then staring at the hood. "You should really pull that down. People around here get suspicious when they can't see someone's face," he advised.

"Silver eyes," I reminded him with a smirk, finding any reason to keep my face hidden. I still didn't want to risk being caught by the people who wanted to take my head. "From what you said, silver eyes don't come around very often." Zeno stopped and pulled me to a stop too. He pulled my hood back and smiled at me. A friendly smile.

"Unless you're close-up, your eyes a grey," he affirmed. "And besides, it'd be a shame to hide such a pretty face." I raised an eyebrow, slightly flattered, slightly uncomfortable. As soon as he realised what he said, he went red in the face. "I didn't mean it that way!" I couldn't help but laugh at him. He looked so mortified that he had said such a thing.

I suddenly had the biggest whiff of rotten food and blood, and covered my mouth to stop myself from vomiting at the mere smell. It had become so strong that my eye watered and I winced. "We're close to the town, aren't we?" I asked. I had hoped that the town wasn't the dreadful smell, but Zeno's next words crushed that hope like a bug underfoot.

"Yea," Zeno said, scratching the back of his head. "Welcome to Gratia."


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