Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


“Did Marcel play his part” I asked as Klaus stood next to me as we looked out into the city. “He managed to locate a stillborn baby in a hospital in upstate Louisiana” “did he agree to the terms” I asked Klaus. “He has agreed to allow me to compel him to forget what he knows of my child. In exchange, he wants vials of my blood” Klaus said looking at me.

“The witches will have to believe this, before you know it more of our enemy’s will come back” I said. “If they sense that your” I started “our” Klaus says to me, I've learn to stop arguing with him about it. “Child lives, they will hunt her” “the witches will buy what we sell. We just have to sell it properly” Klaus said “then all that remains is to say goodbye” I said. “They will be watching us, all of them, the 4 of us living together will draw too much attention. I will go alone” Klaus said.

“In what world will she be safe without us? Who can protect her better than you” I asked him “there's one person” Klaus said. He held out his hand “join me on one more adventure” Klaus asked and I smiled.

Klaus, the child and I stood at Klaus's car deep in the woods as Rebekahs car pulled up. “Hello, sister” Klaus said as Rebekah walked up to us and smiled “she looks like her mother” Rebekah said looking at me with a smile. “Maybe there is a God after all” “well, she has a hint of the devil in her eyes, that's all me” Klaus said with a smile. “You'll need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell” “I'll get one” Rebekah said.

“No one can ever find her” “I know what to do, Nik, perhaps we'll get a white fence. I think that would be lovely” Rebekah said. Klaus flipped the baby around so he could look at her. “This city would have seen you dead, but I will have it your home, and every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down. Just as sure as my blood runs in your veins, you will return to me, just like your mother has” Klaus said to the baby and started to cry a bit.

A small smiled came to my lips as Klaus kissed his child and handed her to Rebekah. “In spite of our differences, Rebekah, there is no one I would trust more with my daughter's life” Klaus said hugging his sister. “Be happy Sister” “she will be happy, Nik, I promise” Rebekah said crying. “What's her name” “Hope, her name is Hope” Klaus said while tears escaped.

Rebekah walked to her car, driving away while Klaus turned to me. “I'm sorry that it had to come to this” I said “it is alright” Klaus said. I sighed “I told you that I wouldn't run away and I'm not, you know I'm leaving” I said with a small smile. “I can't stay here Niklaus, I have some things to do, some things to take care of before I stay for good”. “You will never stay for good” Klaus said with a smile.

I smiled as a few tears started to come down “why don't we make a promise” I said. “Lets say I leave and I promise you that you and I will be together in, a year” “I can't wait that long” Klaus quickly said as I smiled. “9 months” I asked as Klaus shook his head no, “6” I said and Klaus sigh. “Promise me that you will find me in 6 months, no matter where I am you will find me” I said.

“I promise” there was a small silence “I know you will, we have been threw hell and back more times than I'd like to admit but you always seem to find me threw it all” I said. I moved closer to Klaus as I smiled and leaned our forehead’s together “I love you Niklaus Michelson” I said. I quickly kissed Klaus as he kissed me back and we polled away.

“I love you little hunter” Klaus said with a smile. "I promise, I will find you in six months" Klaus said to me and I smiled "don't make promises you can't keep". I started to walk away while Klaus looked at me confused and I stopped, turning around to face him with a smile "you could always find me in five". Klaus did a small smile as I walked to my car, got in the driver side, and drove off.

The End, but the journy is just starting!!     Let me know what you think of the ending!

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