Chapter Forty-Nine

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My head is killing me. I placed my hand on my forehead as we walked down the Chamber. Everything is blurry to me, all I remember is going to look for Hermione, finding her past out, trying to drag her to the Hospital Wing, Ginny finding me then waking up with Harry hovering above me. What the hell happened? What have I missed? Is Hermione okay? Ron?

A gorgeous bird, who I remembered to be Fawkes was waiting for us, hovering in the Chamber entrance. This place was creepy. Salazar Slytherin really loved snakes and dark places that's for sure. Harry urged Ginny forward whilst I glared at her back before urging me forward, we stepped over the motionless coils of the dead Basilisk, through the echoing gloom and back into the tunnel. I heard the stone doors close behind us with a soft hiss.

"My head feels as though people are playing drums in it," I groaned. "I must have been out for a while"

Harry looked at me. "You were. You had everyone looking for you. Including the Ministry"

"The Ministry?" I shoot my eyebrows up in surprise. 

"Yeah, they were all worried," he looked at me, a blush rising on his cheeks, "me especially"

I smile. "Well, thank God I'm okay and safe"

"Yeah, thank God," Harry agreed with me.

We walked for a few minutes in the dark tunnel until we heard a distant sound of slowly shifting rock. What was that?

"Ron!" Harry yelled, speeding up. "Bella and Ginny are OK! I've got them!"

I heard Ron give a strangled cheer and we turned the next bend to see his eager face staring through the sizable gap he had managed to make in the rock fall. So Ron was here too? Did they bring anyone else I should know about?

"Ginny!" Ron thrust an arm through the gap in the rock to pull her through first. "You're alive! I don't believe it! What happened?"

He tried to hug her but Ginny held him off, sobbing. Honestly, she's the reason all this happened and she's acting like the victim?

I sigh. "I go missing and he's acting like I'm not even here or that he cares that I'm alive. It's Ginny's fault that all this happened,"

"Bella..." Harry warned me.

"No," I scowl. "She should have done what I told you when the diary started talking back to her. Hand it in. But she didn't and she let that thing lose! I will never forgive her for this"

Harry sighed but he didn't argue as he knew I was right. Ron and Ginny, however, totally ignored us and continued in their own little bubble. 

"But you're okay, Ginny," Ron said, beaming at her. "You both are. It's over now, it's - where did that bird come from?"

Fawkes had swooped through the gap after Ginny. 

"He's Dumbledore's," Harry told him, squeezing through himself before helping me through.

Ron's gaze landed on me and his eyes lit up. He pulled me in for a hug before quickly pulling away with a disgusted look. I can only guess my face looked the same. 

"Ronald," I say slowly. "Don't ever hug me again"

"Trust me, I won't. "Ron shook his head. "Glad you're okay too"

"Oh yeah, apart from being hungry, annoyed and having tiny men playing drums in my head, I'm just peachy," I respond with a roll of my eyes. Ron chuckled. 

Ron turned to face Harry and gaped at him. "How come you've got a sword?"

"I'll explain when we get out of here," Harry said, with a sideways glance at me and Ginny. I shoot my eyebrows up. Oh no, boy. If you're telling Ron what has happened, you're telling me too. You're not getting out of it. 

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