Chapter Eleven

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I still haven't recovered from last nights' Once Upon A Time...omg what a good episode!

Enjoy this chapter!


For the next few days, Harry kept dodging out of sight whenever he saw Lockhart coming down a corridor and because I was always with him (we spend a lot of time together), he always drags me around with him. A few times we found each other crammed into a broom closet just so he doesn't get seen by Lockhart. Not that I mind being that close to him, but the amount of times he'll just grab my arm and yank me away is unbelievable. Harder to avoid, however, was Colin Creevey, who seemed to have taken a liking to both me and Harry, and he'd seemed to have memorised our timetables. Nothing seemed to give Colin a bigger thrill than to say 'All right, Harry, Bella?" six or seven times a day and hear, "Hullo, Colin," "Sup Colin," back, no matter how tired we sounded when we said it.

"I can't believe Hermione woke me up by throwing water on me! She's started something - hey! Ouch, okay we're back in here again"

Harry had once again cut me off by grabbing my arm and pulling me into the nearest broom closet. I banged my arm on a shelf and hissed in pain, trying to ignore how close mine and Harry's faces were.

Harry peaked through the gap in the door and sighed. "Hurry up...we have classes to get to"

"Which one is it this time?"

He glanced back at me. "Both,"

"Damn..." I breathed peering through the gap in the door as well. "We can't avoid them forever, Harry"

"I know, but right now we can"

True. We can try. 

In the following weeks, Hetty and Hedwig were still angry with both me and Harry about the disastrous car journey and Ron's wand was still malfunctioning, surpassing itself on Friday morning by shooting out of Ron's hand in Charms and hitting tiny old Professor Flitwick squarely between the eyes, and creating a large, throbbing green boil where it had struck. It sent me into a fit of giggles and I had to hide behind Hermione so I wouldn't get caught. What? It was funny! Ron's face was picture worthy. It was easy to say that I was happy to see the weekend. The four of us were planning to visit Hagrid on Saturday morning. Me, on the other hand, was shaken awake several hours earlier than I would have liked by Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. 

"Whassgoingonn?" I said groggily opening one eye. 

"Quidditch practice!" Wood said. "Come on!"

I sat up and covered myself. "Bloody hell! I thought boys weren't allowed in here!"

"McGonagall made an exception so I can wake you up! Come on! Grab your broom and let's go! None of the other teams have started training yet, we're going to be first off the mark this year..."

I squinted at the window. There was a thin mist hanging across the pink and gold sky. The birds outside were making such a racket, I wondered how I slept through it all. 

"Wood," I croaked rubbing my eyes. "It's too early, it's the crack of dawn"

"Exactly," Wood smiled. He was a tall and burly sixth-year and, at the moment, his eyes were gleaming with a mad enthusiasm. "Now get up! I have to make sure Harry hasn't fallen back asleep"

Wood left the dormitory. Yawning and shivering, I climbed out of bed and tried to find my Quidditch robes. 

"MEET YOU BOTH ON THE QUIDDITCH PITCH IN FIFTEEN MINUTES!" Wood screamed from outside and I cringed from the loudness of his voice. I am NOT a morning person. 

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