Chapter 2

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Hashirama sat in his office overlooking Konoha. He watched as more buildings were constructed and more people came to his village. All new arrivals had to check in with him so he could keep track of how fast the village was growing. So many newcomers had come into his office already today. A few days ago, a whole clan had come to make Konoha their home.

Today, Tobirama had decided to join him. He sat next to him, staring blankly at the space in front of him. It was true that before Tobirama wasn't very expressional, but this was entirely different. Even after their talk, he still had that empty look in his eyes. The loss of Yukari had cut him deep, deeper than he could have ever imagined.

His brother's feelings for Yukari were some of the strongest he had ever seen. Her had seen many people fall in love, and it was cheesy of him to think this, but he had never seen anyone fall in love like those two. He had never seen Tobirama have such strong feelings for someone. And after all his feelings towards the Uchiha, it had been an Uchiha he'd fallen so deeply in love with.

He smiled, recalling the first time he had met Yukari out of war, as well as her meeting Tobirama. Even then he acknowledged what a strong and selfless person she had been. He imagined that if she were alive, she might have become hokage or worked as his right hands. She believed in the Will of Fire just as much as he and his brother did. All she wanted was for the village to be peaceful place and for all its inhabitants to be happy and safe.

It was the first meeting of the clans who had joined the village so far, the village that still didn't have a name. The Senju, Uchiha, Uzumaki, Aburame, Akimichi, and Hyuga Clan leaders sat around a table, however, Madara Uchiha had yet to show.

Hashirama knew it wasn't like him to be late, unless it was for good reason. And it was a good reason he was currently absent. The rest of the Uchiha Clan was being moved into their compound toward the east side of the growing village. Hashirama had used his wood nature to begin creating homes for the clans, his latest being for the rest of the Uchiha.

"Big brother, shouldn't we be getting started?" Tobirama stood behind Hashirama, a displeased look on his face. His little brother did not like the Uchiha, and for good reason. Unlike Tobirama, Hashirama was able to forgive the past and start anew with the Uchiha. After all, his closest friend was Madara. But he hoped that in the future Tobirama would be able to work with them just like he was doing.

Hashirama sighed. "We cannot begin this meeting without Madara. It is a meeting for the clan leaders after all."

Tobirama rolled his eyes. The other clan leaders seemed to be getting a impatient, but Hashirama wouldn't start without his friend. Ten minutes went by and the seat next to him was still empty.

As much as he didn't want to start without him, Hashirama didn't see much more of a choice. It was odd for him to be late but he couldn't keep everyone waiting any longer. As he began to start the shogi door opened, and in stepped the intimidating leader of the Uchiha clan, Madara Uchiha. No battle attire decorated him, but instead a dark blue t-shirt and black pants, much like the other Uchiha wore.

"My apologies for my late attendance, Hashirama. The rest of the Uchiha needed to be moved into the village."

Hashirama smiled. "I'm glad they all made it safely."

Madara stepped in, and after him came another figure followed him. A small girl with dark ebony hair in a neat bun atop her head, with bangs hanging to the right side of her face. Her small lips turned upwards in a small smile, and she bowed towards Hashirama. "It is a pleasure to meet you outside the battlefield, Hashirama-sama."

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