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After spending the whole day at the mall, Sipho finally agreed to go home. We were now driving home with the boot and the backseat filled with shopping, and 80% of it belonged to my so called fiance. When I asked him why he bought so many clothes, he said: "A man shops once every three months, and women shop every chance they get." I noticed a trend in his clothing, he really liked blue and white, and he bought clothes specifically those colors.

"Ha weNonku uthe you'll tell me about who popped that cherry." Damn, he still remembers. "Eish ntwana are you sure?" "Yah and it'd do good to pass some time." "Okay but I think you might wanna pull over for this one." "That bad?" "Just do it." A parking are appeared and Sipho pulled over there

##$$ :-) flashback ##$$ :-)

Light flooded my vision as I opened my eyes. The world looked different from a sixteen year old's eyes. Yeah, that's right! Its this girl's birthday! I did a little happy dance theen stopped and sniffed my armpits. Sho! Maybe I should take a shower.

Afterwards I headed to the kitchen. "Happy birthday my girl." I beamed at her "thank you mama! Good job sixteen years ago.. or is it seventeen?" She laughed as she handed me a bowl of jungle oats. I made a face at the offending slopper this woman called food. Go call your sister, its time to go to school. I called out "Zamo no matter how much time you spend in front of the mirror you'll still be ugly at the end of the day." She marched into the kitchen, carrying our bags. "Awkahle wena vele uyaguga namhlanje (oh please, you're getting ancient today anyways)." "Mxm. Mum, where's dad?" I asked. Mom looked a bit agitated then answered "oh um, uthe akayi emsebenzini, uyagula (he said he's not going to work, he's sick)" "Hm okay. Wena silima, asambe( let's go you stupid)."
We walked a short distance to school (the advantages of living in a village). Zamo walked into the gates of the primary school across the road. Teenagers milled about the front of the school and I drove into the mix to find my crew.

"Birthday girl." I squealed at the sound of Zama's voice. "Thank you. I still can't believe it." She smiled at my excitement. "Well finally. I was starting to think your birthday would never come." I turned to face Aphe. "Ready for your first day as a sixteen year old?" I threaded our fingers together. "Yes!"


I knew something was wrong before I opened the door. Usually baba's ancient and embarrassing Isuzu would be parked in the yard but it was gone. The curtains were drawn and I couldn't see inside. I moved to open the door but it was already open. "Ma?" My voice was high with uncertainty, but no one answered so I walked towards my room. "Mana (wait) Nonku." I jumped in fright and turned towards the origin of the voice. There was a corner that was usually bathed in light but now seemed like the lair of a hungry beast. Dad's face emerged, it's edges seemed like cut granite in the shadows, his eyes were dim with an emotion I couldn't recognize. "Baba?" He kept staring. Weird. "Okay, I'm going to change now soo..." I backed out of the room.

Throwing my bag on the floor, I turned just in time to see him enter and lock my door. I scrunched my forehead in confusion. "Baba are you okay?" I asked in a feeble attempt to ease the growing tension in the room.
"Hlala phansi Nonkululeko. (Sit down)" he said in cold shrill voice. I obliged, still feeling rather jubilant. "Nonkululeko as far as I recall you turn 16 today, right?" "Yes baba, that's true." "Then it'll be easier for me to say this. Nonkululeko in a few years time you'll be working right?" "If life treats me nicely yes." "Would you like it if someone enjoyed the fruits of your labour? If you worked in the boiling sun and freezing winter for sixteen years, how would you feel if someone else enjoyed the fruits of your labour?" Huh? "I'd feel very angry I suppose, but baba where are you going with this?" "See Nonkululeko I've toiled sixteen long years to feed and clothe you. Would it be fair if a random boy enjoyed what I'd raised? I don't think so. So I've decided that I'll be the first person to enjoy your cookie, before you go around offering it to everything that has a dick."

I was puzzled by dad's words. Never did I ever think that my own father would think of such. I mean, don't fathers boast about marrying their children off while they're still virgins?
It took a while for everything to register, and when I came to, dad was getting off me, fastening his pants as I lay in a pool of blood and dad's ejaculation. "I pulled out just in the nick of time," he said, "I wouldn't want to impregnate you so quickly." I realized I was crying. He looked back at me as he walked out. "Limunandi ikhekhe lakho mtanami. Keep it that way and you'll go far in life." (Quick a/n: find the translation at the end of the chapter).


#$$ :-) reality##$$ :-)

"... and so now he feast on my sister as I'm in uni," I said, tears flowing freely down my face. Sipho looked back at me, his facial features contorted in an emotion way deeper than anger. His eyes were red and his nostrils flared. To be honest, he kinda looked like a dragon. A hot dragon. "Nonku why did you never report this?" "I thought it'd get better, I don't know. "Nonku we went to the same school. I distinctly remember having to endure all those boring rape speeches. Couldn't you remember at least one helpline?" Sipho's voice was rising with anger. "Sipho please," "eish I'm sorry mfethu. It's just that I hate it when men abuse their power over women." "I was lucky to get out, but uZamo is still there, and I'm not too sure if she's coping." Sipho started the car. "I'll fix this. Don't worry."

The tension in the car was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Sipho had his eyes fixed on the road and he worked his jaw like he was chewing gum. There was fuzziness in my head, and I kept getting visions of blood and fire and... Zamo heavily pregnant?


See I can keep my promises sometimes...

Ok so um what Nonkus dad said up top basically means that, um, she got an enjoyable vagina, and it'll take her places.
I mean how could he? He's her father for goodness' sake!!

Till next time,


Tears of the Damned (BEING EDITED!!!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang