Chapter 2

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If there's one God you don't want to get steamed up
It's Hades, cause he had an evil plan.

He ran the Underworld
But thought the dead were dull and uncouth.

He was as mean as he was ruthless
And that's the gospel truth
He had a plan to shake things up
And that's the gospel truth.

Hades walked down into his chambers as he shouted for his 2 henchmen.


Pain came running down the stairs but he trips and ends up falling down instead.


Panic as well ends up falling down the stairs but his horn ends up landing in Pains ass as Pain lets out a painful Cry.

"Pain and Panic reporting for duty"

Hades rubs his temple as he turns back around.

"It's fine just tell me when the fates show up"

Panic nods then looks at Pain then both nod as they look at Hades.

"Oh hahah There here"

Hades turns around all in rage as he shouts at Pain and Panic.


Pain and Panic cry as there master has shouted at them causing them to turn into Worms.

"We are Worms worthless worms"

Hades shakes his head as he heads into the room that the fates are in there they stood waiting for him.

Hades shakes his head as he heads into the room that the fates are in there they stood waiting for him

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Hades smiles as he approaches the sisters.

"Hello ladies your looking mighty beautiful today so tell me how does my out come of taking over Olympus look"

The middle one shakes her head.

"Oh No we are not supposed to reveal the future"

Hades walks over to them as he grabs one of there hands.

"Ladies please my fate is in your lovely hands"

They shake there head as they give in.

"Well all right"

The eye floats into the air showing Hades future.

"In the 18 years precisely the planets will aline once they do Release the Titans and the once proud Zeus will finally fall and you Hades will rule All"

Hades jumps for joy about his future.

"Yes Hades rules"

One of the sisters stops his celebrating.

"A word of Caution to this tale"

Hades looks at them confused.

"Exscuse me"

He looks up at the future as they continue.

"If Octavia fights you will fail"

They laugh before despairing as Hades Screams at the top of his lungs.


Pain and Panic enter the room.

"Yes master"

He turns to them with a evil smirk on his face.

"How do you kill a god"

Both look at each other as Pain awnsers first.

"I do not know"

Then Panic gets exsited as he awnsers Hades Question.

"You can If there Mortal"

Hades smirks as he pulls out a vile of pink like substance inside with a skull for a lid.

"Bingo if there Mortal so first you got to make the little sun spot Mortal"

OCTAVIA       Raven/Octavia Where stories live. Discover now