2- the secret

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(Harry's pov)

"But professor what am I supposed to do?! I'm a boy? Everyones gonna make fun of me and how am I supposed to stop voldemort"I ranted getting frustrated and scared. Dumbledore rested his hand on my shoulder gently. "Harry I believe that everything happens for a reason. You'll figure out what you want to do in time"he smiled softly causing me to calm down slightly. "But professor how did this even happen?"i asked curiously. He sighed and went to pet his phoenix. "Harry do you remember the potion to took in snapes class that you and draco thought didnt do anything?" I nodded at what he said thinking back at the time.


"Potter you and malfoy will be partners since weasly is sick" snape said causing us both to groan. I got my things and got up going to sit next to him. Pansy decided to trip me so I fell and my bag ripped. My things spilled all over the floor. "Five points from slytherin"professor stated calmly going into his office and coming back with a spare bag.

He handed me the bag and went back to the lesson. I quickly cleaned up the mess and got to the seat. Draco sneered quietly "can even walk right potter ?". I rolled my eyes. "Whatever lets just get this project over with"I sighed and went to get the ingredients like snape said.

I set them on the table and started putting the ingredients together like the book said. "You bloody idiot what are you you doing you cut them like this"he rolled his eyes and took my hands showing me how to cut the herb. I have to admit he was graceful and talented at potions. Wait was i blushing because draco malfoys hands were on mine? Ew no gross its just hot in here.

I took my hands away. "I know what I'm doing malfoy"I glared but in all honesty I'm terrible at potions. Soon we some what finished the potion and malfoy cut his finger on accident and got some blood in the potion. We both shrugged a tiny drop of blood could hurt right? Then I drank a small cup of it. Everyone else who drank it fell asleep shortly after which was normal cause it was a sleeping potion. But I didnt.
                 ~end of flashback~

"Wait you mean"i stuttered in disbelief. Dumbledore nodded. "I'm afraid you'll have to be more careful and leave voldemort to draco and your friends if you choose to tell them that is. I do however ask of you to please report to the hospital wing once a week for a check up"he stated calmly. Malfoy ? And Ron getting along? Dont make me laugh.

I left his office more confused than when i went in. How do i tell them? Should i tell them? Especially draco. Oh merlin how is he going to react. Wait did i just call him draco. Then I ran into something hard causing me to land on my bum.

I looked up to see none other than draco malfoy.  My face flushed amd i got up quickly. "Oh sorry i wasnt paying attention"i stumbled over my words nervously. Oh Merlin. What have i got myself into this time. He looked like he just got snapped out of a dream. "Watch where you're going potter"he sneered at first then looked confused.

Were his eyes always this pretty? What am i thinking ?! "Uh sorry malfoy" I said and ran off quickly. Did that just happen ?!?!

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