1- pollyjuice potion?

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Harry bloody potter. The sexiest boy in hogwarts. Did i have a crush on him. Pfft. No. I'm not gay but if i was i'd be head over heals for him. With his emeralds for eyes and constant sex hair, its hard for anyone to think hes ugly.

But none of that matters. I want nothing more than to see him fail. He humiliated me infront of everyone. EVERYONE. The moment he rejected me after i was so ecstatic to meet the boy you stopped the dark lord played back in my head like a flashback.

Merlin I hated that prick. I fixed my uniform and marched down to the dinning hall for breakfast. I must have zoned out because i ran into someone. "Oh sorry i wasn't paying attention" I knew that voice. "Watch where you're going potter"I sneered until I saw the pink tint on his cheeks. Was potter....blushing?

"Uh sorry malfoy"he turned and ran off quickly. I stood there confused and shocked. There is no way that was really potter. Blushing? No insults? Yeah no that had to be someone using a polyjuice potion. Right ? I nodded. Of course that was it.

I went to breakfast after regaining my composure. I met pansy, crabbe and goyle at the table where we always sit and told them all about potters strange behavior over waffles and bacon.

"It sounds like he's got a crush on you"pansy snickered. "Too bad you're mine"she giggled and kissed my cheek. I groaned. "He hasn't got a crush on me it was obviously pollyjuice potion"I stated firmly.

"Whatever you say malfoy but classes are gonna start anytime now" goyle got up and went to class followed by everyone else including me. I chuckled. Me and potter? Never. Not in a million years. Not ever. Not even in his dreams.

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