Chapter IX: Overlord of Pride

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*Kendall and Number One stand in front of the Mansion of Pride where the Gates of Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Greed, Sloth and Lust decimate*

Kendall: I take it that the others have finished their parts. Now it's my turn.

Number One: Arrogantosphere will be anticipating this.

Kendall: His arrogance will be his downfall as will his overconfidence. Luckily I have my own message I sent myself.

*Kendall activates his reminder message*

Holo-Kendall: Listen up. If you are activating this now then that means the others have done their part. Now it's your turn. Arrogantosphere is anticipating your arrival and the death of his comrades. Use that to your advantage. Keep the bastard talking about himself as the rigged bombs silently blows up the place then assist the others in the ultimate defense as the Keystones ignite the portal back to Earth. Arrogantosphere is waiting. Don't make him wait too long. FOR EARTH!

*Kendall kicks down the door and Arrogantosphere slowly claps*

Arrogantosphere: Did you think you were smart? Sending your friends those tips on how to beat my allies? You are clever to send their tips just as they were waiting for the perfect time to attack. But I am the Overlord of Pride! I am perfection! The others were my allies and you will pay with your death!

Kendall: Tell me more about yourself. I barely know you as a person.

Arrogantosphere: I was once human like you. Except I was a straight A student and a proud member of all the Choirs that had men in them. Chamber, Concert Choir and Men's Choir. We went to the same high school except I was better at you in everything. Do you even know who I am?

Kendall: I sense you're slightly autistic. Asperger's Syndrome to be exact. You are high functioning like me. You talk about Choir constantly like I do. It is like you have been there with me but at the same time not at all. Familiarity fills my mind. How is this possible?

Arrogantosphere: You still haven't figured it out yet have you Kendall? My name is also Kendall. We share the same name both first and last except for one thing. I am you if you had stayed focus educationally throughout the rest of elementary, all of middle and all of high school. Straight A's and Honorary Section Leader for both Tenors and Bass and Replacement of our great Choir Director! I truly am perfection!

Kendall: I got what I came for.

Arrogantosphere: You aren't intimidated by the fact you aren't as smart as you thought you were. I anticipated your arrival here. I have thought of everything! YOU LOST!

Kendall: Think of this: If you are so smart? How come you didn't know that your mansion was rigged to explode as soon as I got what I came for?

Arrogantosphere: What? That's impossible and preposterous.

*Kendall presses the button and no noise is made*

Arrogantosphere: You are here for the Keystone of Pride. But you have failed. You are stupid and weak. You will fail every time until you can outsmart..........

*Arrogantosphere is crushed by his chandelier and the Keystone of Pride flies into Kendall's hands as he teleports to the others*

Kendall: You? I did outsmart you despite you being twenty times smarter than me but that's because we are the same person. You should've known that I may half ass everything in my life but when it comes to friends and family. I take every precaution to consideration. I don't let my pride of defending others get the better of me. I know I am smart. But I prefer pretending I don't know anything because then I am underestimated. And that's exactly what you did. We are the same guy. You should've known me better than Even I knew myself. But it appears I was wrong. You were so busy being smart that you ignored one important factor. That a girl loved you. I may not be like you but I live with that fact with a smile on my face because I have a girl that loves me and five friends that look up to me. Goodbye "me".

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