Chapter IV: Overlord of Envy

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*Amber walks within the Forest of Envious Thoughts*

Amber: What is this place?

Number Five: This is the Forest of Envious Thoughts. This is where the Overlord of Envy lives. Her name is Xenosphere.

Amber: Xenosphere?

*Amber gets a message from Kendall, she activates the message system*

Holo-Kendall: Xenosphere. She is known as the Overlord of Envy but that isn't all. According to the legends. She was a top notch assassin that loved life. But at the same time she was envious of how life could continue its cycle while she was left alone when her husband died on the battlefield. She thought it to be unfair so she moved to California but never made it to her new home. She rested at a hotel here in the Lost City of Fears and was bound to the Forest where she remains. She will no doubt see you and think you are life itself due to the Stone of Life you were given. Be careful Amber. And please for me. Come back safely. I love you.

*Amber ends the message system with a tear in her eye*

Amber: *Laughing quietly and wiping her tear away* Don't worry Kendall......... I will.

*Amber jumps out from her hiding spot*

Amber: Xenosphere!

Xenosphere: *Sniffing the air* What's this scent I smell? It smells like flowers.......... Like nature incarnate.............. Like the smell of a beautiful day............... I despise that scent! I will kill you!

*Xenosphere raises her hand that looks like a scythe and attack's Amber but Amber moves out of the way and slides across the Forest*

Amber: Catch me if you can!

Xenosphere: You can run but you cannot hide from me little girl! I will find you and I will cut you apart!

*Xenosphere sniffs the air but smells over seven thousand different scents*


*Amber jumps on top of Xenosphere and rams a sharp piece of wood down her throat*

Amber: Chew on this Xenosphere! You psychotic, arachnid freak!

*Xenosphere chokes and lands on the floor dead*

Amber: I did it.

Number Five: Impressive. Take the Keystone of Envy and meet up with Adam at the spot.

Amber: Thank you so much Number Five.

Number Five: We will miss you All when you leave.

Amber: You will live within us always.

Number Five: I sense Kendall knows that you are safe. He is deeply relieved. He was going to be extremely devastated if you died. He loves you very much.

Amber: I can understand why. I am the first girl that actually went out with him that loved talking and singing with him. Mostly to tell him that him and our friend Charles were alike. Despite them constantly messing with each other on extreme measures but they are guys. That's part of the reason why I love Kendall. Goodbye Number Five.

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