Chapter 15

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"You told father!" I screamed. The cold metal cuffs wrapped around my wrists constricting my movement.

"It's for your own good Sabrina." Amenadiel groaned looking at me in the eyes. My dark brown eyes watering from looking into his eyes. Fear washed over me making me panic. Pushing my hands against my chest broke open the chains. My fist broke a punch onto Amenadiel's face making him stumble backwards.

Starting to run my wings emerged from my back, flying into the air the feeling of a chain stroke my ankle making me stop. The yanking feeling made me jerk down just a little. Suddenly Amenadiel stood flying right in front of me.

"Sabrina you have to stop this Now!" He persisted. The anger and rage of what he just did to me washed over me.

"How could you!" I yelled. Charging at him we both fell to the ground. Standing above him I pounded punches over and over again on his face. I felt the small drops of blood on my knuckles as I repeatedly punched onto Amenadiels' face.

The feeling of pain brushed over me causing me to fall to the side. Gripping my shoulder I laid there in pain.

"I'm sorry sister." He pleaded. His eyes looked truly sorry but I wasn't thinking about him being sorry. I was thinking about the betrayal he did to me.

"Yo...ur Samael would have never done what you did. My brother wouldn't betray my trust to please father!" I gritted. Two guards held onto my shoulders yanking me up from the ground.

"Screw you Amenadiel! Screw you!" I screamed. Being yanked backwards Amenadiel grabbed my arm flying me down the the fiery hell hole.
(Dream ends)

Gasping for air the darkness from my slumber broke as the light shined in my eyes.

"Wait!" I screamed in a blinded dream oasis. The sound of a glass shattering made my head jerk to the side. Lucifer stood shocked by my sudden outburst.

"Are you alright?" He questioned walking closer.

"Yeah, just relived something I want to forget." I muttered. My head sat in the palms of my hands. Letting out a big sigh I stood up brushing myself off.

"Where are you off to?" Luci questioned looking at me.

"To see dan. I could use a distraction right now." I said. A discussed look presented it's self on Lucifer's face.

Walking out of the penthouse I grabbed the keys to one of Lucifer's many cars. Driving over to dans place I got out of the car and looked at the small house in front of me.

Walking up to the front door I hesitated to knock. Thinking about it I got over my nerves and knocked on the brown oak door. Waiting for an answer I saw the door slowly open.

"Sabrina?" He questioned looking at me in the eyes.

"The one and only." I smirked. Walking inside the house. I began planting kisses all over dans face. A slight groan escaped his lips making me deepen the kiss on his lips. I felt his hands wrapped around my waist pushing my body closer to his. You can guess what happens next.

I was looking into dans eyes as I laid in the bed. I couldn't stop thinking about what Amenadiel did. When I asked him to keep the secret that was going to leave heaven to be with my brother Lucifer. I was beaten and tossed out. All thanks to dear Amenadiel.

"You ok?" Dan muttered stroking my hair. Looking into his eyes I sighed and lied straight to his face.

"Just perfect." I lied through my teeth. His gaze burned a whole through me.

Siting up with the sheet wrapped around me. Pinning my hair behind my ear a loud knock on the door made me jump. Dan looked at me then quickly walked to the door. He quickly put something on so he wouldn't be naked opening the door.

"Chloe?!" He exclaimed awkwardly. My eyes widened. Hurting to the corner of the hall I peeked to see Chloe walking into the room thinking about something.

"Listen dan I was thinking and trixie really needs both of us so I was thinking me and you could give it another......"

"Right bows not a really good time chlo." Dans gaze caught mine. He stared gesturing me back weirdly. Hiding in the bathroom I saw Chloe through the mirror staring over in my direction. Luckily she didn't see me.

"Are You alone?" She questioned. Breathing heavily my breath nicked when I accidentally Hit my elbow on the back wall of the bathtub.

"Chloe I'll talk to you later!" He exclaimed pushing Chloe out the door. Stepping out of the bathtub I peeked around the corner. A laughing smirk appearson my face making dan laugh.
"Well that was hell." I laughed flopping onto dans large bed. Dan flopped to the side of me making me laugh harder. Suddenly my phone rang and my face lit up when I saw that it was Chloe. Picking up the phone I hesitated to answer.

"H-hello." I said trying not to laugh.

"Hey Sabrina it's Chloe." SHe hesitated.

"I know, I have caller ID." I remarked holding back another laugh.

"Can we go out tonight I have to talk to you." She questioned. She sounded a little bit hurt through the phone.

" yeah sure Lux?" I suggested earning a yeah from her. Hanging up the phone I look over to dan with him holding back a laugh.

"Me and Chloe are going out tonight!" I chuckled smacking dan on his arm. He just looked at me and smiled. Getting up I began slipping my clothes back onto my naked body.

"Where you going?" Dan asked slumping back into the headboard.

"To go shopping of course." I laughed. Dan made a slight scoff as I began walking out the door. Fixing the strap on my shoulder I walked down the sidewalk. I felt as if eyes were spying on me as I walked. Trying to ignore it the cars that were zooming past soon kept to a hault. My hault I mean slowing down erriably slow.

"Sabrina." The familiar voice spoke. With my name being spoke of his mouth sent me into a rage.

"I thought I told you to say the FUCK away from me Amenadiel!" I hollered turning my gaze to meet his. He was still wearing that stupid ass robe.

"Sister please." He pestered.

"No Amenadiel no I won't stand here and listen to you. Next time I see you I will rip that damn necklace you always wear and jam it in your neck!" I yelled walking away.

I could feel him still glaring at me as I walked rather fast away from him.

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