Stories (Eng)

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Okay, so... I know that most of you are here (wattpad) for something to read or run away. Looking for a place where you could make yourself happy.

I notice this always has been an issue for some (or should I say "most"?) of the authors and readers here.

They suffers from depression.

Now, we are going to talk a lot about that. Like, there are so many things to rant, complain or discuss with this issue.

Depression is an illness which are normal people REFUSE to acknowledge it.

For people who are suffering, they might have heard these sentences a lot

1. STOP being depressed!

2. Go out with your friend, that will stop your depression

3. What are you thinking all the time?! You are just doing a routine. If there is someone who possible suffer from depression, it should be me. Not you!

4. That's because you are letting yourself sad and always at home or your room!

5. If you are depressed, why are you laughing rn?

And the list go on..

The thing is.. Almost all of my mutuals are Asians. And most of asian parents/families always ignore mental illnesses. They never take these as a valid thing. Only few of them are trying to understand these.

Let's take an example. Most of your parents might say "you are not depressed! You are just sad! So stop being like this! Be happy!" As if being happy is as easy as that :))

Maybe some of us could go to the doctor and get some medicine and so on. But what about those who couldn't?

Since I'm one of the people who couldn't get some medicine. I try to find some interest.

Yep. First of all on how to get better is Find your own happiness

I know that most of you already find your (temporary but good) source of happiness here. In wattpad.

I started find some interest besides music since I'm eleven years old. A first grade in Junior High (I know you are confused, but let's talk about that later).

I was only a reader back then. Try to find some good stories and read them, only to make myself happy. Because when I was eleven years old, I didn't know what depression is. So I concluded that I'm only being sad... For a very good long time :)

Several months passed, I finally try to write my own stories. Most of them are only a basic stories with a cliche plot. Just to fill my boredom.

Then one year later.. That's when I got into my darkest time. I got really moody. Sad. I don't know how to laugh without constantly remember how useless I am.

Then I write a hurt/comfort story. And it gives me a quite good feedback, saying that it really delivers the sad feeling and so on.

I'm really impressed. I feel appreciated. That kinda lift me up from the dark time.

Making yourself happy shouldn't always be by doing something "productive". Like making stories, making songs, exercise, dancing or anything.

It could be anything like, sleeping (yep!), listening to music, doing absolutely nothing in your bedroom, etc


Should I do this book only in english? Or mix? Because I finally found out that it's really hard to rant or discuss something in bahasa (i'm deeply sorry) :''))

Or anyone wants to help me? :))

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