Sunlight: Renesmee's Story-Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

"I'll be waiting," he promised. "And I love you, too."

I sat through Government in a haze. All I could think about was Jacob, the way he had kissed me in the car... I was surprised the waves of heat and electricity hadn't blown out all the windows. The nasal bell sounded, and I gathered my things to trudge off to biology.

"Renesmee!" Someone called from across the schoolyard.

"There you are! I didn't see you this morning!" Anthony sounded so releived - it was a little bit annoying.

"Yeah, I was with Jacob."

"Jacob..." he said acidly, shaking his head from side to side. "You could do so much better."

"Who could be better?"

"Well you could start with someone that's your own age."

I ignored him and kept walking. I did not want to discuss Jacob's age with anyone - he was technically twenty-five years old, and people would think that was bad, even though they would think it was a lot worse if they knew my real age as well.

Anthony kept walking along beside me.

"I could be better, " he said suddenly. "I could be whatever you wanted me to be."

I froze; that was totally unexpected. He had obviously found me attractive since the first day he met me, but I didn't think it would go beyond that. I had no response for his strange words. He was wrong, regardless. He would never be better than my Jacob, not even close.

Classes passed by more dully than usual. I heard nothing of what was being taught to me. My head was off in the woods, walking around lazily with Jacob, even if my body had to be stuck here. Anthony said nothing else to me all day, probably sulking about my non-responsiveness this morning. I didn't care though; I enjoyed his company more when he kept his mouth shut.

I dressed quickly after gym and was the first girl to be finished. Anthony was already waiting on me outside, so we started off together for the parking lot. I was eager to get out of here so I could be with Jacob.

I could see his car just a few feet away when Anthony stopped suddenly. He grabbed my hand and quickly spun me towards him, pulling himself closer to me. I realized then what he was doing, but he was quicker than I was.

As soon as I opened my mouth to protest, his lips were on mine. He kissed me almost violently in a way, clutching frantically at the exposed skin on the small of my back.

I was completely apalled - What the hell did he think he was doing? I pushed him away from me easily, being careful not to use my full strength.

I glanced over at Jake's car in time to see him getting out and looking extremely angry. It only took his long legs three steps to close the distance between us.

People were gathering close to us now, probably because Jacob looked like he might break Anthony's neck at any moment. Anthony took a step towards him, but did not release my hand. He glared up into Jacob's face - which was quickly turning red - and Jacob glared back even harder.

Jacob looked down at my still-captive hand, and I distinctly saw a tremble starting to roll down the length of his body. Uh-oh.

I quickly freed my hand from Anthony and grabbed Jake's instead. I tried to drag him to the car, but he would not budge.

"Come on, Jacob," I tugged harder. "Take me home..."

Another tremor rolled through him.

He gave in and walked to the car with me, pulling out the second I secured my seat belt. Neither one of us spoke the entire ride.

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