"911 what's your emergency?" The operator answered within seconds as my voice became unsteady.

"I need to report a murder... please help, their baby is crying and I don't know what to do! Please hurry!" I cry out to the operator who routinely tells me I need to stay calm. I give the man my address but continue to maintain a shaky voice that I can keep steady.

"Stay on here with me, what was your name miss?" The boyish voice asks as I rock the baby in my arms. He grips the fabric of my shirt and calms down sucking his thumb to help self soothe.

"Chanel," I respond timidly to the question feeling sick once again from the smell of decay.

"Okay, Chanel, we have some officers on the way. Are you and the baby somewhere safe? We don't want you in danger," The operator keeps me on the line to comfort me through having to sit in a horrific murder scene. I feel a cold rush of air run up my spine from the outside. I hadn't bothered to shut the door when I came in and the icy air spread through the house now.

"I'm in the nursery... she's here," I say vaguely not wanting to look at the decaying bloodied body. Her hands had lost circulation and in result changed from a fleshy color to a light purple.

"Who is she Chanel?"


"Is Elizabeth a threat to you?"

"She's dead,"

Sirens blared in my ears the closer the cars screeched down the street. The room reflects red and blue lights that flashed in my eyes and caused me to close my eyes for a few seconds due to it bothering my eyes. I sat up against the wall across from Elizabeth's limp and discolored body. My eyes fixated on her cold skin that had rippled in color from a healthy skin tone to now a purple and blue overlay.

Stomping feet invade the premises while I hold the baby close to me and nuzzle my face into him. I shut my eyes and hear the gruff voices of the authorities call out to me.

"I'm in here!" I manage in a weak voice wanting to be taken away from this place.

Within seconds I am surrounded by armed police who assist me by helping me up. I am taken out into the nipping cold air where I am escorted to an ambulance. I find H there with a worried and concerned expression etched in his face.

"Baby!" He calls to me as soon as I come out of the house with the authorities. Once I am held up in the ambulance for the paramedics to look me over H comes inside and takes my hand while I blankly look at him. Emotionless.

"I'm so sorry!" He plays the part of the concerned husband in front of the medical personnel. I knew none of this was real, everything had to be an act to cover our tracks. "Baby are you okay?"

I stay silent and feel another paramedic lift the baby from my arms to inspect his state of health. H grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug stalling the paramedic from doing his job, the sweet scent of coconut flooding my nose.

All I wanted, all I needed was for my Harry to be Harry again. I needed so badly for this scenario to be real, for him to be genuine but all I can feel is disgust. His hands were calloused and all to blame for an unnecessary tragedy. Blood stained his once pure soul that I had once been wrapped up in. He was like an angel but it seemed as though he had a pair of horns under that halo.

Our love was six feet under.

The world was moving at full speed around me but I was frozen. The clocks had stood still leaving silence to ring in my ears, my eyes never straying from a fixated point. I watched people in uniforms roll out gurneys with body bags resting on top. The bodies that had long passed zipped and contained in the jet black bags.

"Chanel are you with us?" A paramedic flashed a light in my eyes but I am unfazed by it. I couldn't physically pull my eyes away from the body bags, it seemed like an impossible task at the time. Almost a if my body was going through a temporary paralysis.

"What's wrong with her? Is she okay?" Harry's accent rests against my ears but it doesn't bring any comfort like it normally did.

"I think she's gone into shock," A paramedic states trying to grab my attention. My lackluster eyes glaze over the scene one last time before everything seems to become hard to comprehend and understand. The cold air bites at me before the ambulance doors are slammed shut and I am pushed down into a bed.

"She's got a irregular heartbeat," I hear through the ringing in my ears. My breathing becomes faintly shallow until soon I feel as though my lungs aren't pulling in enough air to supply the rest of my body. My awareness of what is happening around me decreases causing confusion to spread in my brain like a wildfire.

"Is she okay? Chanel?" Again I hear Harry's voice but this time I can sense a hint of worry. Up to this point everything he had said was for a dramatic factor. It was all an act, for the audience that was unaware they were part of a show.

"She's gone into shock," I hear the paramedic say before I loose muscle control and fall back into a pair of arms that pulls me up into a bed inside the ambulance.

Things moved in slow motion and it was hard to understand what was happening around me. Voices were faint and colors blurred together as I strained my eyes to focus of a fixed point.

The last sentence from the paramedic played on repeat in my head until I had every syllable memorized.

N: Have I kept you entertained?;)

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