Chapter 4: Zuko Turns Himself In

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  Roku and I had been flying above the radar for months. I was only getting worse and he was tired and hungry.
  We plummeted into the ground. Roku breathed out and I flung off the saddle into the water. I sunk down because I couldn't swim up.
  The water splashed and a hand reached for me and swam up. My vision un-blurred and I saw Katara holding me. "Zuko! Zuko!" She shouted as my hearing came back. "Come one answer me!" Katara shouted almost crying.
  I held her cheek and wiped her tears. "Don't cry. I don' to...see you...cry." I said weakly, and I passed out.

  I ran out and saw Katara holding Zuko. "Oh my God." I said, taking him and she took his red dragon.
  We got to the house and I laid Zuko on the couch. "He's in bad shape." I said.
  "What happened?" Dad asked.
  "I don't know! He told me not to cry because he doesn't like to see me cry, and then he just passed out." Katara said.
  "You can just do your water voodoo and heal him, right?" I asked.
  "I hope so." Katara said, taking water from her pouch and putting it on Zuko's wounds.
  He grunted and then he started to relax. I put a pillow under his head and covered him up as he lay there after Katara wrapped him.
  "I'm gonna call Toph, Suki, and Aang." I said.
  "Yeah." Dad said. "Katara, what about you?" Dad asked.
  "I'm going to stay right here with him. That way if he wakes up, he doesn't panic." Katara said.
  "Good idea, I'll go get Roku settled well as his pet hawk named Kai." Dad said.
  We both nodded and he went out. I called Toph, Suki, and Aang.

  Sokka left Zuko and I alone so he could call everyone. I felt his head and sighed. Sokka walked in after a few minutes. "How is he?" Sokka asked.
  "He's burning up...hotter than normal, especially for a fire bender." I said.
  "I'll get you an ice cold rag and a bucket of ice cold water." Sokka said.
  I nodded and he did that. I dabbed the rag on Zuko's forehead until he semi-cooled off. "We came as quick as we could." Toph said, jumping off of Appa.
  "They picked me up on the way." Suki said, kissing Sokka.
  "What happened?" Aang asked.
  "We're waiting for him to wake up to answer that question." I said.
  Just as I said that he popped up, breathing heavily, and holding his left rib cage. "Katara?" Zuko asked.
  "Yeah." I said.
  "The last thing I remember was an angel that looked just like you pulling me out of the water." Zuko said, holding his head.
  "It was no angel tough guy, it was her." Toph said, pointing to me.
  "Oh...thanks." Zuko said to me.
  I nodded. "Zuko, what happened?" Dad asked.
  "My dad and Azula broke out of prison. The day I lost my bending, the person who stole it gave it to dad. They waited to bust out, and when they did...they showed up to the palace. Dad challenged me to an Agni Kai. I accepted, and kicked his ass. Azula joined and I kicked both their asses and I was doing fine. All until, quite literally outta nowhere, a very skilled fire bender shot me with lighting, and then they all three shot lighting, endlessly. They kept shooting until I was done for. Roku saved me from Azula and dad with his tail when he hit them back. When the fire bender shot again, I put a fire bubble around us using my bending. I shot him off the building with a fire blast shaped like a dragon. Then, I took off. Roku flew above radar for months until he finally gave out today. We crashed and that's how I landed in the water." Zuko explained, blowing out into his arms and chest to warm up.
  "Do you know the third bender?" Aang asked.
  "I don't know, the only thing I know about that bender is he is extremely powerful and he's a master." Zuko said.
  "You can beat him right?" Toph asked.
  "Not sure." Zuko said.
"Guys, stop harassing him! Let him rest." Dad said.
We all nodded, and I stayed with him. He looked at the ceiling and held his left rib cage. "Ok, it's just you and I now. Did anything about that bender suggest you knew him?" I asked.
"Just the way he bended was all too familiar." Zuko said.
"Like?" I asked.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Zuko said.
"Try me." I said.
"It seemed like Aang's fire bending." Zuko said.
"You don't think he would, do you?" I asked.
"No, of course not!! I'm just saying the bending was similar to Aang's way of fire bending." Zuko said.
"Hmm..." I started.
He turned to his side. "I understand you all think I'm making this up. Ozai getting his bending back, and he and Azula escaping. Aang being some kinda, bad Avatar. Hell, it all sounds crazy to me!! I know what I saw though. I also know you all still don't trust me. Who can blame you, after all I've done?" Zuko asked.
"Why don't you sleep it off? I'm sure you'll be fine in the morning." I said.
Zuko nodded and laid there. I left and went to my room going to sleep.

Once everyone was asleep, I left a note and walked outside to Roku. "You trust me, right?" I asked.
Roku huffed and nodded "yes" at the same time. I smiled and he dropped me off in Azula's boat. He flew back to the Southern Water Tribe. "ZuZu!! This is unexpected. We were just about to go find you." Azula said.
I raised both my hands and she looked at me. "You got me, fair and square." I said.
"Honestly, I was hoping for more of a fight." Azula said.
"I don't want people to get hurt." I said.
"Wow, you really have changed." Azula said. "Give him the Boiling Rock prisoner uniform, once he changes cuff him! Now, throw him in under the deck." Azula said.
I changed and they cuffed me. I sighed and let them toss me under the deck. I looked up and closed my eyes to think.
  We got to the Boiling Rock, and she put me on the gondola. "Bye, bye...ZuZu." She said, and I got to the other side of the island.
  The warden lifted my chin with his foot. "The former ruler of the four nations. My, my after your last visit I made some modifications to well...everything. I'm going to enjoy having you here. I'll torture you like Ozai has asked me to and we'll see how good you are then." He said, shoving my head into the ground with his foot.
He lifted me up and dragged me into a torture chamber. I sighed and he had cuffs attach me to the wall. "Get comfortable, because you're going to be tortured in here until the day you die." The warden said. "I need my tools, I'll be back." He said walking out and shutting the door.
I sighed and closed my eyes. 'Here we go.' I thought.

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