"Did you hear that?" Nancy asked, eyes staring worriedly at the door.

"It's probably nothing..." Laurel tried to soothe, but both girls were extremely worried.

Laurel could tell though, that Nancy was even worse off than her, seeing as she'd seen this creature before.

Laurel scooched closer to Nancy. "Don't worry...we just have to watch for the lights. My mom...she said the lights blink when it comes..." Even saying it out loud made it sound stupid, even if it was the truth.

Laurel glanced down, blinking at the sight below. She hadn't even realized that she had began helping Nancy wrap her bandage, it even seemed like Nancy just noticed too. Laurel didn't seem to mind, and neither did Nancy.

"Too tight?" Laurel asked in a hushed tone.

"No, it's fine, thank you..." Nancy could barely raise her voice over a whisper either as she carefully watched Laurel wrap the bandage. It was almost too loose, seeing as Laurel was a little too cautious and worried of her wrapping skills.

The bandage had been finally wrapped, Laurel's hand lingering in Nancy's, which she didn't seem to mind. Two small hands, wrapped in each other, was like the perfect puzzle closing in.

Laurel's lip trembled, a warm feeling rising up to her cheeks. "Nancy?" She said slowly, as if she was afraid to make any small mistake saying her name, like it was sacred to her.

"Yeah?" Nancy replied, looking up at the eyes that bored into her own. Nancy gulped, searching the mysterious girl's eyes as they practically swam in hers.

She was drowning in Nancy's gaze, and she didn't want to come out.

The thing about drowning is that you're not fully conscious, or aware of what's happening, it's such a lifeless and surreal situation that you find yourself sinking, further and further till you realize what's going on around you. So when Laurel's lips pushed into Nancy's she was barely aware of what she had done. But the warm, buzzing feeling woke her up, as if someone had just performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on her drowning body. Laurel almost gasped at the contact, but kept it down her throat, taking in the feeling of Nancy Wheeler's lips.

It was nothing like she'd dreamt of.

It felt like warm honey, or tanned skin of a sun-kissed day. It felt like silk wrapping around her mouth, suffocating her graciously. It felt like she could drown like this forever.

But nothing lasts forever.

The two broke apart, Laurel reluctantly opening her eyes to see Nancy's reaction. It was almost too dark to tell. A mixture of shock, but she seemed content. Nancy's lips were still parted, as if she hadn't known the kiss had ended.

Banging on the door erupted, making a soft gasp escape Laurel's throat, jumping a foot off her couch.

"LAUREL? JONATHAN?" A familiar voice sounded behind the door, Laurel's tense body relaxing, knowing it wasn't the monster.

But this person was worse than one, so why was she relieved?

"Are you there? It's Steve!" He shouted, both girls glancing at each other, wondering if they should open it to him. Jonathan peered from the hallway, glancing worriedly at Laurel, as if asking her permission. "Listen I just wanna talk!"

This was the wrong time for a talk. The banging continued.

Before she could even give her brother an answer Nancy marched towards the door and yanked it open.

"Steve, listen, you need to leave," Nancy stated slowly, a shocked and confused look rising on Steve's face, from what Laurel could see from the couch.

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