I looked around the room and noticed a big bouquet of flowers on my nightstand as well as the picture Ariana took of us when we were about to leave for the amusement park in a photo frame.

I felt disgusting.

"How long have I been here without taking a shower?" I asked.

"Approximately 3 days, 7 hours, 53 minutes, and 27 seconds." Ariana said looked at her timer.

I asked Rebecca when I could get up. She said I should be ready to get up pretty soon. Whenever I felt like I could.

Somehow, I didn't trust myself. But then I remembered, you can't fly unless you let yourself fall.

I noticed that I didn't want a boyfriend. When I looked at Finn this is what I thought, "Every girl wants a Prince Charming. And while he may be nice and all, I want a guy who will come up from behind & put his arms around me, & hold me. He would whisper in my ear that me loves me. A guy who will lay awake at night just thinking about me. A guy who'll call me at 3:00 AM just to tell me how much he misses me. He'd come over just after we got off the phone because he wants to know how I'm really doing because I said I was just fine. But we both know that I was lying. He would kiss me & tell me everything's going to he alright. He may not be prince charming to anyone else, but in my eyes, he fits the part perfectly."

But I was wrong. He wasn't prince charming. He wasn't that guy I was dreaming of.

I called Finn over to stand by my bed and I whispered, "Finn, I'm not ready for a boyfriend."

He understood.

He sat back down and smiled. He whispered the news to Spencer. They both nodded at me and smiled.

I got up and walked through the pain. I turned on the hospital shower and closed the door. I unwrapped the cloth around my bullet wound and got in the shower. I had a bandage over the wound so it didn't sting. I washed myself and my golden blonde hair.

I slowly stepped out the shower and and wrapped myself in a towel.

"Rebecca!" I called. She came running and knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm in a towel." I said.

She opened the door a crack and slid in, not wanting the boys to see. Ariana slipped in close behind her.

"Watcha need?"

"Clothes and my hair dried." I told them.

"I'll dry hair!" Ariana chipped in.

"I guess I'll get the clothes." Rebecca said. She left the bathroom and I heard her keys jingle.

"You know, me and Spencer are going to hang out as soon as you get better." Ari told me.

"That's great. I just told Finn that I wasn't ready for a boyfriend." I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I'm not ready." I informed her.

"Oh. Well, as they say, no boyfriend no problem." Ari said with a following sigh.

Ariana turned on the hair dryer and began drying my hair. I found clean wraps on the counter so I wrapped one around my torso. I began to see my bruises fade away.

To break the silence I asked, "Ariana am I ugly?"

"Hannah. Are you serious? You are gorgeous!"

"You know, I heard Spencer likes you. I did a little eavesdropping while I was awake. You get so sucked into your phone. Its crazy. You two are like, made for each other."

"Really Hannah?" she asked, her eyes wide with affection towards Spencer.

"Yeah. My body is wounded and I have nowhere to hide my secrets. I am now officially an open book. Towards you, at least." I told Ariana. I heard the hospital room door open and the dropping of keys. Rebecca.

Rebecca slid through the bathroom door with her slim self and dropped my batman PJs on the counter.

"Thank sis." I told her.

"No problem crippled." she told me, her sense of humor finally coming back.

Ariana had finally finished drying my hair and left the room so I could get dressed.

She silently closed the door and I started getting dressed. Once I got my clothes on I started to apply makeup. I felt better once I looked at myself, my bruises and bandages covered.

I was beautiful.


(4 weeks later)

Ariana handed me the keys to my own condo on the beach that she bought me while I was in the hospital. I stepped inside and the new home smell came and greeted me. It felt nice to have clear skin with no bruises but I still had a bandage wrapped around my torso to protect my bullet wound. Ariana was moving in with me in this new condo. I was excited.

Ariana was loaded. You wouldn't even know. Like loaded loaded.

She even bought me a whole new wardrobe featuring Ariana's clothing line.

Ariana hired a group to paint the condo, a group for exterior, a group for the interior, a maid, a group to do the technology set up, and a group to organize our stuff. We basically had to leave for a couple of weeks and by then we would come here, pay, and enjoy.

No work involved.

I finally got to see my new home. Everything was finished. Ariana started handing the workers cash and I ran up to see my room. Before I reached the stairs, I was caught by Finn and Spencer. They pulled me back. They gave me a tour of the condo which was basically me saying "Ooohh" and "Ahh" during the whole thing.

(Spencer and Ariana have been dating for 4 weeks now.)

I walked into the kitchen and went straight to the refrigerator. I opened it and it was filled with healthy foods and just a little bit of unhealthy things.

When we finally reached the room I was waiting to see, before they got to open the door for me, I was already in it, studying the decor.

There was a king sized bed with lavender and yellow sheets. Matching curtains, silvers dangling lights, a desk with a laptop sitting in on it, my Marvel posters, my photo booth pictures as well as other pictures, a bookshelf, and a flat screen TV. Did I mention one whole wall was a window? It was bright in here. Spencer and Finn stood in my double door way in awe at the sight of my beautiful bedroom. I plopped on my bed staring at the ceiling.

I hopped up about five minutes later and put on a swim suit that I found in my walk in closet.

I walked out my front door, walked down the steps, and my foot was instantly greeted by the sand.

The sunset cast a orangey glow amongst the water and I started down towards the ocean's waves.

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