Ch. 2

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"So uh, are you some sort of journalist or something?" He asked while we were waiting for our food to come.

"Nope," I said unenthusiastically, "Although I do work on a lot of Editorials."

"Oh." He seemed to struggle on keeping our conversation active, but was reluctant on allowing the silence of the Abalone restaurant to take over. "Well, if you don't mind me asking, what brings you here?"

"Uh, to Jeju?" He nods. For some odd reason I hesitated to answer him. It's not much of a secret that sometimes I meet clients during the day to handoff documents, but for some reason I felt like it was unnecessary to go into that kind of detail with him.

"I...opt to come here to clear my mind sometimes. I'm recovering from Thalassophobia, so I'm forcing myself to get over this." With using unnecessary rhetoric, I was half hoping that I'd be able to get him to drop this conversation and just let things be. I'm still trying to figure out why did I even allow him to talk me into him treating me to this place. I'm not even a huge fan of Abalone.

"Ah, well" His eyes seemed very sad and he appeared to be at a loss for words "The Ocean's a big place, but it's not all that bad. Did you have a bad experience or...?"

It only took me few seconds to think about it. I guess seeing all the ghosts of those who died at Sea when you look out towards the water counts as a bad experience, then I guess my answer is a definite yes.

"Kind of, it's not something I really feel comfortable discussing right now, so sorry."

"Ah, sorry! I just hope that there isn't any misunderstanding between the two of us." Now it was my turn to share in on the confusion.


"Ah ye, I made the assumption earlier that you were under the impression that I was planning on jumping or something." He voice trailed off and I know for certain I made an Oh, with my mouth but the sound just wasn't there.

"It's not that big of deal, but If you don't mind I'd like to share a story with you."


"I mentioned earlier that had you not said anything I may have had an episode, you see, when I was younger my family used to do family vacations overseas and I have this faint memory of being in California somewhere standing on a Pier somewhere and then the next thing I know, WHAM!" He slams the table causing me to jump "I'm being tugged under by freakin' Seal." He says laughing slightly.

"Well, I'm only going to assume that was a traumatizing experience"

"Well kind of. The thing is, I don't really remember. I only know this from being told it so many times growing up, but my family is full of quite some amazing storytellers. But my family believes that this is why I have some tendency to freeze when put into a situation involving heights or something. I don't have a fear of water, or a fear of Seals though so I'm not too sure if that story is just something they made up to scare my little kid self or if was actually true."

"Pft, your little kid self? Well that's a new one"
"It is, but most importantly it was enough to temporarily stop you from mean-mugging me."

"Mean, wha?" At that moment, the waitress brought our food, a rice pot to split between two.

"Hmmm... You just seem like... there's a rock in your shoe? Or maybe you're not having fun and I usually just assume that people who visit this place tend to have some fun at least."

"Ah, well I didn't come here for that, I really came here for work related stuff so-"Ah hell, I let that slip didn't I?

"Ah, so you're not staying around here then? You're probably going home?"

"Yeah, I'm just here for the day."

"I see then, but there's something really interesting about you Yuri." Yuri. Outside of our brief introduction, this was the first time I found myself noticing the inflections in his voice. His overall timbre was so strikingly familiar to me.

"Yeah? What's that?" He flashes a very mischievous grin and motions for me to lean in closer over the table as if he has the world's juiciest secret.

"You keep staring at me like you've seen a ghost? Have you seen a ghost Ms. Yuri So?" I'm stunned by these questions and yet...before I can even answer him everything seems to suddenly move impeccably slow and all the visuals seem to fade... and for a brief moment I can see Jun beaming back at me as if he has told me the world's corniest joke and I laughed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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